The day you meet Cory

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You're at a coffee shop in Michigan with your friends, jakarya, christen, and samatha, your talking about how you can wait to go back to Florida because of the rolling loud concert.
Y/N: I cant wait to go back and see all these rappers in action, it looks like a fun place to be at I wanna take pictures with dababy, and sza

Samantha: omg yes gurl I can't wait, I'm definitely gonna kiss moneybag yo he is so finnnneee like omg and his voice is so soothing

Y/N: no he is so ugly it's unsettling

Jakarya: ugh no one cares about them, WHAT ABOUT BRENT FIAYAZ he is literally my babyyyyyy I can't wait to see him preform

Y/N: forgot about him for a second, I can't wait to see him eithe-

Then that's when you see him walking through the doors of the coffee shop, his luscious fro and his plump lips walking up to the counter of the shop, you stop and stare for a second as you admire his radiant skin and brown eyes.

Christen: girl who are you looking at like that

Jakarya scans the area looking for who I'm looking at, I come back to my senses.

Y/N: what do u mean, I wasn't staring at anyone  I just ummm ..... zoned out for a second

Samantha: she was looking at the guy that's at the counter, see over there look at him
Y/N : stop I wasn't looking at him

The handsome man you saw walks past your table and smiles at you and you feel your heart melt and your heart beat increase. Just his smile alone makes me flustered as you thought to yourself.

Your friends noticed your body language and they started laughing at you because they caught u red handed.
Y/N: Guys stop laughing (you said with an embarrassed chuckle) guys stop

Christen: I'm going to call him over here to say hi

You look with a slight panic on your face as you beg him not to call the man over towards your table but he does it anyway.


You panick and want to take off running you some how remains calm as he walks over to your table.

" Hi guys" he says "my names Cory"

Jakarya: hi Cory I'm jakarya and this is Samantha, christen, and Y/N
Samantha: hi
Christen: hi
Y/N: hi (you say shakily(

Cory: so uh why did you guys call me over here

Jakarya: well you see Y/N here thinks you are cute and wants your number

Cory: oh really now, why didn't the pretty girl just ask me herself { he smiles at you}

Y/N: um because I'm just a little shy, but do you mind if I have your number tho, Cory

Cory: sure, it's 616-781-8784 (it's not a real number)

Y/N: thank you  I'll text you later on if you don't mind

Cory: sure go ahead I can't wait to get to know u more pretty lady

                             LATER THAT NIGHT

Y/N: do you think I should text him now?

As a group everyone yells "YES"

Y/N: ok ok I will

You text him "hi" and he responded back immediately with "hi, is this Y/N from the coffee shop" you smile because he remembered your name.

                     CORY💞❣️ (texts between you and him)
Y/N: hi
Cory: Hi, is this Y/N from the coffee shop
Y/N: yes it is, how are you
Cory:I'm good and you?
Y/N: I'm good because I got to meet you today
Cory: Aww you're so cute
Y/N: when I saw you at the shop today you had me so flustered and I wash blushing so hard at the sight of you, you genuinely made my day better
Cory: wow that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, do you want to hang out tomorrow? My treat
Y/N: it's a date!
Cory: 🤣 bet see tomorrow

I'll finish the story tomorrow loves sorry if this was long but I'm getting to the parts I promise 💋❣️

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