The Date

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Cory come to your house to pick you up for the date. He come up to your front door and rings the door bell, You answer the door and see him standing there with his bright beautiful smile with flowers in hand.
Y/N: hi Cory I'm so glad to see you, you look amazing
You say with a beautiful smile on your face
Cory: an you look stunning ma' lady (he says with a slight accent)
You were so nervous this was your first ever date, you could act as shy as you were normally, you were so happy yet scared and all these crazy thoughts rushed to your head and your heart started pounding with excitement.

Y/N: thank you Handsome, let me grab my purse and I'll be out in a sec
Cory: ok
Cory walks back to the car and stand on the side, you get your purse and walk to his car, you see him standing beside his black hellcat charger in his black suit. When you get to the car he opens the door for you like the gentleman he his, and your heart melts a little.
Y/N: so where we going (you ask with a smile on your face)
Cory: well we are going to dinner first then to the arcade and I have a little surprise after that
Y/N: sounds fun I love arcades and games but omg I hate surprises why did you tell me that (you say with a chuckle)
Cory: well hopefully you'll like this surprise
Y/N: you aren't gonna kill me are you(you say with a nervous laugh)
Cory smirks at you looks you up and down and says "you'd make a nice addition to my collection"
You get butterflies from the way he looks at you but you laugh at his joke and you finally arrive at this place called "Magianos" you go in and eat talk for a bit and get to know each other. Fast forward to when your at the arcade and playing games with each other.
Y/N: Why are you so good at this oh my gawdddd
Cory: I have no idea I'm just good lmao or you just suck
Y/N: shut the f*ck up Cory I don't suck you do ( you say laughing)
Cory: you can't make me (he says smirking)
You roll your eyes and smile.
A few minutes later you get into the car and he takes you to his surprise.
Y/N: where are we going coryyy I can't wait I have to know
Cory: just wait you see we're almost there
Y'all arrive at the park and walk over to the playground where you are a mini picnic with deserts and champagne with candles lit and everything.
Y/N: wow this is .......
Cory: lame
he says with a frown and disappointment
Y/N: no it's literally beautiful I love it so much
You immediately run to the monkey bars and climb on this and sit on top, you motion for Cory to come up also. He climbs up there and yall sit there for a second and look at the stars
Cory: it's such a beautiful night tonight
Y/N: I know it's just so peaceful here
Cory: you know you are the most amazing person I've ever met and that's saying a lot since I met you yesterday( he chuckles)
Y/N: I can say the say about you, you're such a gentleman and such an amazing person

You both hope down and go over to the picnic blanket and sit down. You both lay down beside each other.
Y/N: when I saw you yesterday you made my heart stop a little (you say with a laugh)
Cory: I did? Well you made me feel the same way
Things get quiet and you both turn over and look at each other. He look at your lips and looks back into your eyes and cups your chin and kisses your soft lips he stops as he realizes you didn't kiss him back.
Cory: oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to-
You kiss him cutting of his sentence and you begin making out with him. He kisses on your neck while you unbutton his shirt, he grabs your hand and stops you.
Cory: not here (he whispered in your ear)
You look up at him and nod, you both pack up and get in the car without saying a word. He drives off with slight speed.
Cory: my place? ( he says with a deeper voice)
You look up at him and nod. You arrive at his house he opens the door for you and you walk up to his door step, he unlocks the door and lets you in first and shuts and locks the door behind him.
He walks up to you looks down at your lips and kisses them and puts his hand around your throat, he kiss on your neck leaving hickeys all on you. You unbutton his shirt running your hands down his chest and he pulls you closer to him and breaks the kiss and asks
Cory:are you sure you want to do this? Because I don't want to continue if you're not feeling it
Y/N: yes I do ( you say in hurry trying to kiss him)
Cory: woah slow down (he laughs) take it slower no need to rush I'm not going anywhere.

I got tired so we gonna see about this tomorrow love y'all🖤😚🥺

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