Chapter 5: you are special

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Your POV

Finally. New year was 2 weeks ago. New year is the best feeling ever. It's like a new beginning. And the new year party was just amazing!!!

We went to another party from Noel Kahn, yeah NOEL KAHN it means it's gonna be the best party ever! We all met up at my place and then went straight to Noel Kahn's party, mona was there too.
I really like mona, she's sweet, loyal and she listens to me when I'm sad and...idk she's special, but it was very hard for me to keep my friendship with mona a secret, but it's getting easier I mean ali haven't noticed it and I'm lying to her for about 3 Months.

,,Ahhhh I'm so excited it's gonna be the best party eveeer" aria said with a biiiiig smile in her face. We all went inside to get some drinks, and there she was, mona. I Waited till the others went out into the garden so I can say hey to mona, she smelled good I think it's the first time she used Parfum,but it smelled great.

,,Hey y/n, I'm glad you came" she said with a smile in her face. ,,OKAY EVERYONE ITS TIME TO PLAY ,,SPIN THE BOTTLE" Noel Kahn said. Everyone sat down so that it looked like a circle,, okay so here are the rules, first we spin the bottle and the person the bottle is pointing at is needs to spin the bottle again and has to go into the closet for 7 minutes with the person the bottle is pointing at" Noel Kahn explained.

Noel Kahn spins the bottle, it's pointing at a girl who's name is Katy ,,okay Katy now u need to spin the bottle and let's see who's lucky to get into the closet with u" Noel said with a flirty voice. So Katy was spinning the bottle and it was pointing at a guy named Lucas, I don't really know who that is, so basically they were in there for 5 minutes and Katy just ran out of to closet with the words,, ew you freak I'm not gonna kiss you"

So after a few rounds the bottle pointed at me...I was so scared I mean what if the bottle is pointing on Noel and I need to go with HIM in the closet, that would be disgusting, so I was spinning the bottle and it was pointing between mona and a boy named Derek ,,okay it's a tie so y/n you can Decide who you want to go in with" Noel explained to me. ,,of course you are gonna pick Derek and not mona the loser right HAHAHA" Alison said laughing.

That's exactly what I hate about this game, to go into the closet with someone, mona was looking at me with a little smirk. Derek also looked at me but with a disgusted face,,I don't want to go into the closet with him/her I swear pick mona or your dead" he said with a smile.

,,Oh um alright I'm um I'm picking mo- mona..." I said while looking at the floor.,, WHA Y/N WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" Alison screamed at me.

Mona vanderwaal x Reader (from strangers to a toxic relationship)Where stories live. Discover now