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Soon after taking off, Lu Ten found himself wondering if going with the Avatar along with Zuko was the right thing to do, particularly since his presence seemed to create a rather tense situation. For having grown in wisdom in the last five years, even before that, he still found himself growing in wisdom, and...

Well, things didn't feel like they were going right between him and Zuko, but Zuko seemed dead set that Lu Ten should finish the job of teaching Aang, though he only mentioned it a few more times after the others refused to let him speak about himself in that manner. Every one of the others, that is except Katara, whose actual reaction Sokka commented on. "Seriously. I don't get what you did to make her go back to giving you the cold shoulder after going with her to face Yon Rha."

That Lu Ten didn't get much more detail on.

He did ask questions regarding what happened to Zuko while he was gone, which the rest of the group including Katara didn't hesitate in regaling him with, much to Zuko's embarrassment. There were a few things, such as Aang mentioning the cave where his father was captured that made everyone tense up. None of that gave the answers Lu Ten wanted.

"So, an Agni Kai?" Everyone of course tensed up.

Toph let out a sigh, rolling her eyes despite being blind to the sights around her. "What kind of father would make their child fight them? Oh, wait! A noble family and their twisted sense of honor."

"Except I didn't fight him, though you are right."

"Has that..." Lu Ten frowned, worried that such a thing shook Zuko's confidence in his Firebending. "You didn't fight him?"

"He's my father, so no, but I think he was looking for an excuse, to be honest." This of course wrenched Lu Ten's gut, thinking that looking for an excuse meant. "I never did live up to his expectations as Azula did. It doesn't matter."

"Question? Is that how an Agni Kai is supposed to work?" Sokka asked.

"No." Lu Ten said. "They are supposed to be an honorable fight between two Firebenders, but there is no honor in asking a child to fight their father, which Zuko was at the time, but if I remember correctly..."

"Zuko said he was supposed to fight someone else," Sokka replied. "When we were on the airship and you first asked. Is the goal really to burn one's opponent."

"No. I didn't in my second Agni Kai."

"Another?" Lu Ten sighed.

"I won, but that still didn't end honorably."


"Zhao attacked me from behind, but thankfully Uncle intervened." Zuko's facial features twisted. "Could we possibly change the subject?"

Lu Ten then learned more about their adventure than he perhaps wanted to, including the Avatar's penchant for riding giant fish which in turn made him understand why Katara said Aang was easily distracted, though he didn't plan on letting him observe Zuko teaching Aang Firebending. While the others set up camp, he insisted and he watched, pleased with what he saw, but then his eyes widened.

"Zuko, where did you learn the Dragon Dance from? Father?"

"No. I..." Zuko frowned, looking Lu Ten in the eye, but he stopped speaking.

Aang tilted his head. "You know the Dragon Dance?"

"I learned it from my father, but planned on teaching it to Zuko when I..." Lu Ten let out a laugh. "That never happened though, did it. Me coming home?"

"No. You were going to teach me?" Zuko looked up at him, having slightly cheered.

"I..." Lu Ten swallowed, knowing this still wasn't the best time to answer. "I felt learning the old way would suit your personality better. That said if you didn't learn it from father..."

Zuko looked at him, then said, "Uncle didn't kill the dragons. They're amazing Lu Ten.

"But don't tell anyone," Lu Ten smiled. "Sounds like my father."

"So, as you can see..."

"You're doing well, but I just really wanted to observe to see how much you've grown up since I last saw you, not because I wanted to take over. I'm proud of you." Lu Ten watched Zuko rub the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact. "Father would..."

"Don't!" Zuko choked out. "You're far more deserving to be the Avatar's Firebending teacher."


"You didn't betray Uncle!"

"Don't make this about him, but understand I'm not taking over," Lu Ten sighed. "Please, I really am proud of you." He watched Aang fidgeting. "Dragon's huh?"


"Aang?" Lu Ten stated.

"I don't want a new sifu," Aang muttered.

"I'm not replacing him," Lu Ten sighed. "Zuko?"

"I betrayed Uncle." His attention returned to Zuko, who stood there holding onto his arm.


"So how can you be proud of me?" Zuko looked him in the eye.

"Zuko! How..."

"I think Zuko should go and see Iroh."

Lu Ten turned his head so he might see the speaker. Katara stood there, her mouth pressed into a firm line, but that was honestly the first time she spoke since they'd left their previous hiding place – an Airtemple now that Lu Ten thought about it. Ty Lee stood next to her, a rather large grin on her face, her hands tucked behind her back. "Ty Lee brought it up again, but Sokka went into the nearby town..."

"Is he crazy? What if he had gotten caught?"

"He wore the Fire Nation clothing we wore when we were hiding in the Fire Nation before," Katara said. "Zuko, you need to speak to your Uncle, but he needs to know his son is alive, so Sokka went seeing if he couldn't hear anything after Ty Lee reminded him again that he'd escaped."

"Yeah, but..."

"I'll go with you, and support you like you did when I went after my mother's killer, but only if you want me to do so."

She turned on her heels. Aang looked away, pushing his toe into the dirt for some unknown reason. Zuko watched him, his lips pushed together. Lu Ten let out a deep breath, hoping Sokka wouldn't find any information, feeling as uneasy as Zuko was at seeing his father, yet for other reasons.

To Lose or to Gain: Boiling Point (Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now