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We open at the end of the school day. Kids are happy to be out of school and the teachers are happy to be off of work. The kids, elementary age, talk and bubble with excitement as they are led to their areas: bus, car riders, and walkers.

The lines slowly thin out and as the hallways empty out we hear the distinct sound of sneakers on linoleum. Three pairs to be exact. We see two young girls, clutching chips in one hand and a test paper with a "100" in the other. The bookbags on their back have a tag that identifies them as bus riders.

They push open the doors just as the last bus drives out of the parking lot.

The door closes behind them.

They pull at the door.

It's locked.

They pull at the other door. It's locked.

They knock on the windows.

They look left and right, but they don't see anybody.

[sucks her teeth]
Let's go to the office and call home.

[opens her bag of chips]
My mama said if I missed the bus again, I was go get a whoopin'

You can just ride home with me.

Yo' mama just go call my mama.

Ms. James might give us a ride home.

[stuffs chips in her mouth]
Okay. We just go say she wanted us to help her clean her room or something.

The girls run around the school. Their tags flapping in the air.



Morning. The parking lot is full of cars from students and teachers alike. Contrary to the last scene, the kids, now teenagers, don't look as happy. Maybe it's because they're coming to school. But they still arrive one of three ways: by bus, car, or feet.

We see two teenage girls approaching in the distance and notice that one has a drink and cell phone in her hand, the other a bag of chips.

INT. School.


The lights are dim.

Students sit at their desks looking up at the smartboard as the teacher talks about something they couldn't be paid to care less about. Some text on their phones, others are paying attention, but only for a few seconds before lying their heads back on the desk or resuming conversation with the people around them. The only two paying attention are the two in the back: the two we noticed earlier.

The names on their notebooks identify them as CARLI and KENNEDI.

I don't know what she talking about, for real. Want us to take all these notes and don't none of this be on the test.

Swear to gawd

On jesus sandals

[turns around]
STOP (claps) TALKING (claps)

And his ashy ankles

Cause his mama was holding him up

That's achilles dummy!
[throws pen at KENNEDI]

A girl screams.

Ms. RANDAL lets out a groan of frustration.

Turn my light on!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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