Chapter 6 - The Library

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Melody had said little more than that when Doctor Riley sped into the kitchen. Her hair was slightly more mussed than it had been, and her breathing was quick. Still, she gave the three of them a bright smile and a separate, even brighter one to Melody.

"Hello, you three," the doctor said. 

"Good morning," Key and Cypress said together, as if this happened every day.

Wow, Melody thought, the people here are polite.

"Have any of you three seen Jordan?" the doctor asked, wringing her hands nervously.

The two boys shook their heads. Melody also shook her head, since she had yet to meet anyone named Jordan.

"No, ma'am," Cypress said.

"She didn't come to breakfast," Key said. "Do you want me to bring up a plate for her?"

The doctor sighed. "No. But thank you, Key, I appreciate it. I'll bring up some food for her, if you're willing to make up a plate."

Key seemed more than happy to do this. He handed the soup ladle to Cypress with the strict instruction to keep stirring. He then almost danced around the kitchen as he prepared the same food Melody had been given.

"I see you've met these two, Miss Tsushima," the doctor said to her with a smile. "I hope they haven't talked your ear off yet."

"Hey, I'm nothin' if not an angel," Cypress said.

"A loudmouthed angel!" Key said as he cracked an egg on an old skillet.

"Bitch, who has been doing all of the talking here?" Cypress said, sounding legitimately annoyed this time. But Key just gave him a cheeky grin.

The doctor rolled her shoulders to stretch them. "Key, have you eaten breakfast yet today?"

The pretty boy's spine went stiff and his grin fell. Melody turned to Cypress, expecting him to be overjoyed by Key's sudden uncomfortableness, but Cypress was suddenly serious, looking as serious as Key and the doctor. So that was why Key was so skeletal. A long, silent moment passed.

"No?" Key said eventually, phrasing it as a question.

The doctor sighed. That was clearly the answer she had been expecting, but not the one she wanted.

"Will you have a piece of toast?" she asked.

Key looked like he was considering it, then gave a small shrug and nodded. When the toast came out of the toaster, he took a small bite out of it, plain and without embellishments. He did this three times, then set the bread down. The doctor didn't react, but Melody could tell Cypress was disappointed by this. The doctor took the plate of food Key prepared, wished them a good day, then left. The three watched her leave. Key tilted his head to the side to crack his neck and went back to the soup as if nothing had happened. Maybe nothing had.

"Who's Jordan?" Melody asked.

Cypress thought about this as if it was a riddle. "She's one of the patients here. She's kinda weird."

"No, you're kinda weird. Jordan's really weird," Key said.

"Says the guy who loves cooking but doesn't actually eat."

Key nodded. "That's true. I guess we're both really weird."

Cypress turned back to Melody. "Well, either way, I'm sure you'll meet her soon. We all run into each other a lot here, especially since we have schedules that line up a lot. Hey, have you ever read Alice in Wonderland?"

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