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September 6th, 1993

Elissia walked into the History of Magic classroom, almost everyone else was already there. She walked over and sat down at a desk in the middle of the room, it was rather drafty due to a window being open. She shrugged it off and didn't think too much of it, if she got cold she'd simply leave the class momentarily to get her jumper from her dorm. Professor Binns, seeing as how he was a ghost, most likely wouldn't even notice and just continue on with the lesson. Pulling her books and  quill out from her bag, she laid them out on her desk and waited patiently for the lesson to begin. Soon enough, the bell rang and more students started filing into the classroom. Malfoy was apart of this group, he sat down in a chair next to Elissia and leaned back casually. She glanced at him but didn't say anything, instead pulling out a book.

"Got something to say, Reyes?" He smirked, that infamous Malfoy smirk. The one that just radiated a superiority complex that everyone had gotten accustomed to, including Elissia. She rolled her eyes, not looking up from her book and ignoring this comment. Clearly, he didn't like this. His smirk was quickly wiped off his face and replaced with a disdainful look, he pushed his chair closer to her. She heard his chair move and flipped the page uninterestedly, still not bothering to look at him. "I don't think you heard me, do you have something to say to me?" He repeated lowly, looking at her as his eyes darkened a little.

She sighed, clearly there was no chance of her getting to read around him. Closing her book and setting it aside, she turned towards him. He smirked triumphantly and thought he'd finally gotten through to her.

"Pas de connard, je n'ai rien à te dire." She answered smoothly, taking great pleasure in the shocked expression that was now painted over his face. Malfoy didn't answer for a few moments, he gaped at her in disbelief and surprise. He wasn't aware that she knew French, this just being a fine example of how little they really knew each other. Unfortunately, the only French words he'd been bothered to remember from the tutor his parents hired for him a few years back were "Bonjour" and "Bonsoir".

She rolled her eyes at his silence and turned back in his chair as Professor Binns finally started the lesson. She took notes whenever she needed to and kept her attention to the front of the room. Malfoy leaned back in his chair and quietly tapped his quill against the desk, he had just learned something new about the blonde-haired girl beside him and he planned to use it to his advantage; the only problem is that he didn't know how. Obviously he couldn't ask her to help her with French homework of any kind since Hogwarts didn't have any foreign language classes; he'd have to think of something fast.


Elissia walked into the Great Hall, her classes finally finished for the day. Well, mostly finished; she still had Astronomy after dinner. Not that she minded though, Astronomy was one of her favourite classes. She'd always taken an interest in stars and everything related to space, courtesy of her father sharing the exact same interest for as long as she could remember. She sat down across from where Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott and Pansy Parkinson were at the Slytherin Table. She began eating her meal, greatly enjoying the gourmet taste of the well-prepared Hogwarts food. Looking around the Hall, she noticed Malfoy's eyes glued to her.

Elissia narrowed her eyes and blinked a couple times, his eyes were diverted back to his own plate. She shrugged and pushed the thought away from her head, she was probably just imagining things. That or he was planning a new way of trying to get her in trouble or how to humiliate her next. Although to be fair, she's never seen him staring at her whenever he was devising a plan on how to make her life complete and utter torture. She furrowed her eyebrows in realization and looked back at him, he glanced up at her again. This time, he kept his eyes on hers and they made direct eye contact.

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