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September 30th, 1993

"Oi, Elissia. Pass the mashed potatoes, would you?" Blaise asked, his voice muffled slightly from the food that was still in his mouth. Malfoy rolled his eyes and twisted his lips in disgust, Elissia stifled back a laugh and passed Blaise the bowl of mashed potatoes. "Thank you." He said with a wide smile before shoving the contents of the bowl into his mouth at such an alarming pace, Elissia couldn't help but to look at the Gryffindor table and compare it to Ron eating his own dinner.

She laughed, shaking her head and starting on her dinner. Malfoy noticed his interaction and furrowed his brows, watching her from his spot on the bench. It had been a few weeks since their encounter in the halls and neither had asked about it since. Elissia knew she needed answers, and what better way to get them than to ask him directly?

At the same time though, that could also cause him to explode and regret saying anything of the sort in the first place. She chewed on her chicken nervously, what if he was already regretting it and that's the reason for his silence on the matter? No, she wouldn't let this one silly thing prevent her from having a good time. Theo organised a game of Truth or Dare in his, Blaise and Malfoy's dorm; everyone in their friend group was invited. Daphne and Pansy would be there, Malfoy would be there of course, Elissia decided to come just because of Daphne and Theo.

Malfoy stood up from the table, her eyes fell on him as he casually grabbed his bag. "I'll just be leaving to our dorm to prepare for later." He answered the question that nobody asked yet, they nodded in understanding and continued on with their meal. Elissia was included until Malfoy took her wrist and dragged her out of the Great Hall with him.

"Ouch! What is your problem--" She started to say but stopped when he shot a soul-shattering glare her way. He couldn't believe she didn't know what his "problem" was. After very obviously flirting with Weasley, she had the guts to ask him why he was upset? He would've laughed at the ridiculousness of it if he wasn't filled with a volcano of rage at that moment.

Kicking the door open, he took her inside while using his other hand to shut the door with his wand. She watched in bewilderment, wondering why he had locked the door and why she was in his room with no explanation. The entire situation was a big maze to her, it made all the sense in the world, however, to the blond boy standing in front of her though.

Sitting down on the bed, she looked at him and was met with a less than pretty sight. His eyebrows were knitted together in irritation, his jaw was clenched so hard she was surprised that his teeth weren't breaking. His eyes were darkened very dangerously, looking as though he were on the verge of breaking down right then and there. Her brain was telling her not to say a word, whereas her heart was telling her to question his motives.

Her heart won that battle in the end.

"You've got a nice dorm here... I bet you have great motives as well." She spoke cautiously, being under the impression that one wrong word was going to immediately set him off on a rampage.

She was right, the entire sentence made something in him snap and his head turned in her direction. He raised his eyebrows and chuckled lowly, rolling his tongue in his cheek. "Is there anyone you don't flirt with, Reyes? Or, is it in your blood to try and seduce the first guy that so much as looks your way?"

She looked at him in confusion, her eyebrows furrowing as she tried to figure out what he was talking about. He didn't notice the confused expression on her face and took her silence as an admittance to whatever she had done wrong.

He scoffed and started pacing around the room, running a hand through his hair. "Honestly! I would've expected you to have more decency than to talk to someone, lead them and have them believe you fancy them, just to look past all of it!" He continued, glaring at her as he said the last part. She widened her eyes and finally stood up, hesitantly walking up to him.

"Malfoy- What are you talking about?" She asked timidly, he huffed in frustration and in one swift motion, had her pinned up against the wall. Her breath hitched in her throat, everything was going so fast and she wasn't sure if that was a good thing.

He leaned down a little so he was eye-to-eye with her, his eyes flashing dangerously before he parted his lips again to speak quietly.

"I don't want you anywhere near Weasley." He spoke in a very low voice, either as a tactic of intimidation or because he didn't want the people next door to hear what he was saying. It was likely the first option, but she didn't have time to dwell over that too much.

"Excuse me? I don't know who you think you are but you can't control who I hang out with." She tried to have her face match her tone, but with the way he was towering over her with a hand behind her head on the wall, that seemed completely off the table. Apparently, so did staying out of her personal life. He narrowed his eyes at her, it was taking everything in his body for him not to raise his voice.

After all, he was trying to convince her that they were capable of being something more than enemies who hated the fact that the other existed.

Right now, all he wanted was to yell from the top of his lungs how much he hated that she and Weasley were closer than they probably ever will be in their whole lives. "Never talk to me like that again. If I tell you not to be around someone, you follow that." He replied a few minutes later, cutting his own thoughts off so he didn't get too riled up.

She pushed him off her and looked at him with nothing but pure revulsion. "Listen, we're not together and we're sure as hell not friends. You have no right to tell me the kind of people I can and can't talk to. You don't care me, Malfoy. It's going to take a lot more than some puny threat to get me to listen." She glared at him, he took one large stride and closed the remaining distance between them.

They were now back to their original position, his arm stretched out just past her right ear. "Oh yeah? Watch me." He was very close to her face now, more specifically her lips. Her breathing became heavier and she only blinked, was he about to do what she thought he was? He stared at her rosy pink lips, they looked very soft and as if she had recently put chapstick on. He couldn't help but wonder what flavour chapstick she wore, he would've guessed strawberry or mango.

Moving his hand so it was cupping her cheek, he brought her closer to him and leaned in slowly. She followed his movements, leaning in as well and closing her eyes. He also shut his eyes, there were only a few more inches between them at this point. Just 3 more inches and they would be fulfilling what they both had secretly wanted for much longer than they were willing to admit.

2 more inches...

1 more inch...

"Draco! Are you ready for the game yet?"

They pulled away from each other as if struck by a bolt of lightning. Blaise was knocking loudly on the dorm door. Elissia felt her cheeks up, Malfoy cleared his throat and straightened his clothes. Without saying a word to her, he opened the door and left the room with Blaise. She saw Blaise give her a confused glance as she walked with them but she only shook her head, he knew this was her not wanting to talk about it yet so he nodded and gave her a smile.

But as they went to get Theo, she wondered if she would ever be ready to talk about it. And if it would ever actually happen without someone interrupting just before their lips connected.

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