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October 11th, 1993

"All's I'm saying is that she overreacted! I mean, who threatens to give a months detention just because they were a little late?" Elissia said, adjusting her bag up on her shoulder before it fell to the ground.

Draco raised his eyebrows and let out a little laugh, "You weren't a little late, Lissy. You were almost a half hour late." He corrected, laughing some more when he remembered the day it happened.

Elissia jutted her lower lip out slightly, "It was hardly my fault, Daphne said I needed to wear a "better" shade of lipgloss. If anything, it's her fault I was late to Transfiguration."

He rolled his eyes, shaking his head in feigned disappointment. "It's true! She even enchanted it so that I wouldn't be able to take it off for the rest of the day." Elissia exclaimed, shuddering in remembrance of the horrible situation she had been put in.

"You have legs don't you? You could've just run away and gone to class." Draco pointed out, looking at her as they reached the door to the Greenhouse.

Elissia reached her hand out to open the door before stopping, he was right. Why hadn't she run away before Daphne could even do the spell? It didn't seem like such a bad idea when she actually thought about it. Maybe that was the problem, she wasn't thinking really when the situation had been happening. All she was focused on was what Daphne was doing, not what she could've done to avoid it.

"My point exactly, honestly I think McGonagall was right to try and give you detention." He said casually, opening the door and holding it out for her to enter.

Elissia gasped dramatically and brought her hand up to her heart. Draco smirked at her amusedly, raising his eyebrows. "How dare you say that! She was completely out of her lane." She protested, he didn't answer and simply walked inside the classroom, her following and mocking him from behind his back.

"Stop doing that." He said without turning around, she gaped at him as he sat down in a chair.

She sat down next to him, setting her bag down on the floor next to the chair. "Stop doing what?" She asked, trying her best to act oblivious.

He quirked a brow up at her and stared at her from under his hair, which he allowed to fall in front of his face. She couldn't deny that her cheeks heated up from the look he was giving her but, she had a plant to worry about for right now.

Taking a deep breath to slow her heartbeat, she put her gloves on and took the shovel into her hands. Elissia began taking the soil from the bag and placing it in the pot, then proceeded to gingerly put the plant in the pot on top of the freshly potted soil.

Draco watched as she worked with the plant. The way she handled it was so gentle, so incredibly careful; you'd think she was holding a baby with how cautious she was being with it. He smiled softly to himself, his gaze unwavering and holding so much admiration. He felt as though he were looking at someone who fell from above, a true and undeniable angel. Perhaps that's what she actually was, an angel sent from above to warm his cold and chipped heart.

"Mr. Malfoy, if you show any more negligence towards your plant, it may very well die before class finishes." A voice came from in front of him, bringing him away from his daydream about the girl beside him, this caused him much displeasure.

He looked towards the source of the voice, it was Professor Sprout looking at him with her finger gesturing to his unsoiled pot and a stern yet warm look in her eyes. His face fell when he saw there were only a few more minutes for them to continue with their plants, and that Elissia was already done.

"I'll get started on it now." He grumbled to Professor Sprout, she drew her lips in a thin line and nodded before walking away to her desk with some papers.

He put his gloves on and started messily shoving the soil into the pot, trying to get it all in as quickly as he could before class finished. Elissia looked over once she had finished with her pot and gasped, taking the shovel away from Draco.

"What are you doing?!" She asked incredulously, her eyes widening slightly at his actions.

He huffed in frustration and moved his hair away with his hand, using the side of it so as to not get it dirty. "Well, I was trying to put the soil in this damned pot until you took my shovel away."

Elissia sighed while sliding Draco's pot and soil over to her side, moving hers from being in the way. "You're doing it too aggressively. If you do it that way, it won't be done correctly and you'll create even more work for yourself since you'll have to clean it up from the table." She explained, starting to get the soil inside the pot with the same tenderness she did with hers.

Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and watched her as she worked on his plant. He knew deep down that she was right, but in no way did that mean he was just going to admit it to her face; he had to have some sense of dignity left.

She put the plant in the pot after fixing the soil, patting it neatly to ensure it stayed in place before placing the shovel on the table and removing her gloves.

"There, now you don't have to do anything. You're welcome." She said proudly, wiping her forehead with the side of her hand. He chuckled a little, she sat down in her chair and gave him a small smile.

"Ah, yes. Thank you so much. I never would survive in the world without you." He said sarcastically.

She grinned and laughed, "Exactly! I'm so glad you understand." She gave him a pat on the shoulder, pretending to brush off some dust from his robes.

Draco slapped her hand off his shoulder, a disgusted look present on his face. To anyone else, this would cause them to mouth him off and get offended. Elissia knew better, she knew he was only pretending to be upset with her since they never had much physical contact between the two of them.

He still had to get used to that, and she was okay with that. "Don't touch me with your dirty hands, you'll get dirt on my robes." He curled his lips up in contempt. She laughed and removed her hands from near his robes, setting them in her lap instead.

"My apologies, your highness." She used a posh accent, bowing slightly while still in her chair.

His lips twitched, he kept them from forming a smile though. He had to keep up the facade he was currently acting on for just a little bit longer. And by that, he means only a few more minutes longer.

"C'mon, grab your bag we're going to the Black Lake." He stood up, looking to see that Sprout was distracted by grading some papers at her desk.

Elissia raised her eyebrows, staying sat in her chair. "No thanks, I'd rather not get detention again." She looked him up and down, internally wishing she had chosen to be friends with someone a little smarter.

"We're not gonna get caught, we'll stay out of sight now get up and hurry up." He ordered, his eyes holding a softer look than what his words showed.

She chewed on her bottom lip, thinking over the possible outcomes that could result in going with him. After a few more moments, she nodded decisively and stood up, grabbing her bag as well.

He smiled and unbuttoned his robes' top clasp, covering her with it so she could get out of the room without anyone noticing. If he got caught, it wouldn't be too much of a big deal. He didn't want to risk her getting caught, nothing is going to ruin their trip.

He was going to make sure everything he had planned out for them was perfect, and stayed that way for the entire time they were at the lake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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