the call

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It was a bueatiful morning, no clouds could be seen. It was a day full of happiness not a day that something horrible like this would happen.

Johnny I called from the deck. Watch out! I screamed but it was too late, as he glanced behind himself to look at me but then the truck raced down the street straight in to him.

Johnny! I yelled again as I ran up to him and kneeled down beside him yelling his name over and over again but getting no response as he layed on the pavement.

No this couldn't be happening, not to me.

I immediately called 911 and screamed into the phone.

Hello 911 what's your emergancy? They awnsered.

Hi my 9 year old son just got hit by a red truck, it was a hit and run!

Okay what is your address?

1826 countryside ave please hurry! I cried

Okay stay calm we will be there soon.

Please hurry! I blurted

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