No Johnny No!

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I kept trying to wake him up as if he was just sleeping but nothing was working, he was still laying on the ground not moving at all.

I started to hear something that sounded like sirens, then I saw the ambulance driving over the hill then immediately stopping right in front of me.

Help please help! I told them

Okay ma'am. They explained as they pulled out there CPR gear and be gain doing mouth to mouth trying to get him to breath.

Come on Johnny please don't die on me I love you and your my only son I can't loose you. I cried

Excuse me ma'am I'm sorry to say that I think your son has gotten some head tramma and has well... died.

NO I screamed. This is not happening not to me.

I took one last glance at Johnny then I sat on the side of the road and watched them put him into the ambulance to take him away  until we can plan the funeral.

Ma'am can I ask you a few questions about what happend?

Yes. I cried

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