Character Intro and A/N

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So this'll be the first book in the series. I dunno how many books there'll be, but as long as the ideas keep flooding in, I guess.

Other than Y/N, a.k.a. you, you would probably know all the characters. Including HP and friends. So your author here will be focussing more on her OC, Xu Zuihui.

Xu Zuihui, 徐蕞徽, is a Chinese girl who has been Y/N's best friend from seven years old. Her parents were from China and came to your country to study at the university they had qualified for. Zuihui was born here and attended the same school as Y/N.

Just to clarify, Xu, 徐, is Zuihui's surname. Like Japanese, the surname is traditionally said before the given name.

Zuihui bears great resemblance to my personality, hence she is very close to my heart. So yeah.

I. Can't. Upload. My. Cover.

*proceeds to scream into pillow* poor pillow.

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