1|The Reiwa Era

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"Total Concentration...Water Breathing, second form: Water Wheel!" I shouted, bringing my blade down to the demon's neck and slicing it clean off. As the demon began to fade to ashes, I wiped a bit of sweat of my brow, muttering, "Phew!"

But another demon suddenly charged at me, flashing its yellow teeth. I quickly unleashed the first form at it, but I only managed to slice its arms off. It regenerated quickly, eyes widening with glee. Before I could fully comprehend what was going on, it dashed towards me with surprising agility.

"Use it, Y/N!" I thought to myself, gritting my teeth. I gripped the handle of the blade tightly, my knuckles turning white.

"Time Breathing, Third Form: Footsteps of Foreboding!"

I charged right back at the demon, the steady beats of time right by my side. In my head, I turned up the knob of the time, and suddenly I was so much faster, feeling free, feeling the soothing wind against my face, and I leapt up and sliced the head off the demon. Its eyes widened with surprise, but it was already fading away.

I looked around to see if any other demons were on the way, and, seeing none, I slid my blade back into its case, letting out a sigh of relief.

Looking down, I spotted a puddle of a blue liquid on the floor. Furrowing my brow, I stepped backwards, then bent down to inspect the liquid. Which creature would bleed blue blood?

"Y/N! Y/N!" someone called, snapping me out of my fantasy. I had finished a particularly hard maths problem in the form of the two demons.

"Your pen!" the same person whispered.

That person was Zuihui, my best friend and the student who sat in front of me in class. I looked down at my blade—no, pen—and gasped, then choked on the air. My pen had leaked, creating a large pool of blue ink on my worksheet.

"Shoot," I muttered under my breath.

"Um, you want to tell Ms. Lakeston?" Zuihui said in a small voice. Judging by the maths teacher's fondness for clean things, with her neatly combed hair and carefully-applied lipstick, I was in for a long lecture if she knew about this.

But what else could I do, really? I looked to Zuihui with a pleading glint in my eyes. She sighed, pondered, and finally said, "Fine. I'll go with you."

I gave a weak smile and both of us stood up. Drawing a shaky breath, we walked slowly towards Ms. Lakeston. 

But suddenly, my worksheet began to shake with incredible force, such that I nearly could not hold on to it. A giant portal, made of pure blue ink, opened up on the paper, sucking an unfortunate student's table in. The student shrieked and everyone else stared, wide-eyed, at the portal. Ms. Lakeston stood up, but before she could do another thing, I found myself hurtling towards—and into—the portal, a terrified but excited Zuihui by my side.

"GAHHHHH!!" someone screamed, and my eyelids snapped open.

"MICHAEL JACKSON!" I yelled, holding up a table in front of me as self-defence.

Hold on...

I put the student's table down, my heart breaking as I thought of my hard-earned money being handed over to the higher-ups for the loss of the table. But that was the least of my worries right now. Zuihui and I were stuck somewhere because of my pen.


I groped around for a surface to touch in the darkness, just a small reassurance that we were somewhere, and my hand brushed against a rocky wall.

"Zuihui?" I asked again, the panic obvious in my voice.

"Here!" came a high, squeaky voice clear by my ear. "Sorry, I was too scared," Zuihui added, trying to get back to her normal voice but ending up sounding like a soap opera singer instead.

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