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Riley's POV

I hear a knock on my apartment door. I'm home alone since my jerks known as my "parents" are gone on a business trip. I grab my cellphone off the table and get the door. I open the door to see a man with longish hair and a cane standing there.

"Hello dearie. Are you Miss Riley Harper?" The strange man asks.

"That depends. Who are you?" I ask suspiciously.

"I take that as yes. My name is Mr. Gold!" He says with a freaky laugh.

"Anyways enough of the introductions. I'm here because I have something I need you to do." Mr. Gold.

"Come in." I say opening the door wider for him to come in. He comes inside and sits on the couch as I close the door behind him. I go over to the living room where he is and sit in a chair across from him.

"What do you need me to do?" I ask leaning over in my chair to look at him.

"Well, I need you to go to a little town in Maine. I will give you one thousand dollars for your expenses. The main thing you need to do is when you get there you need to give a woman named Regina this letter. She is someone who is very important in your life." He explains and hands me to envelopes. One with the woman Regina's name and the other one with mine.

"In the envelope with you name is a letter, a thousand dollars, and a map to this town." He says with a smile that makes me shiver.

"Well I better be going." He says and gets up and walks towards the door.

"Wait!" I exclaim before he opens the door to leave.

"Yes dearie?" He asks.

"What's this town's name?" I ask.

"Storybrooke." He says with a freaky laugh and with that he's gone.

So hey everyone! This is the prolog to The Lost Princess. This a spin off from my book My Mom is Jennifer Morrison this book well explain how Cameron's character got to Storybrooke. You can read this book by itself or you can read the other one. It will make sense either way. Please vote and comment or direct message me feedback and ideas for future chapters.

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