Chapter One: Operation Storybrooke

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Chapter One: Operation Storybrooke

Riley's POV

Once the mysterious man known as Mr. Gold leaves I lock the door behind him. I go to my bedroom bringing both of the letters with me. Once I'm in my room I turn on the TV for background noise and sit on my bed.

I open the envelope and see exactly what the man said there would be. I first start with reading the letter.

Dear Miss Riley Harper,

I need you to go to Storybrooke, Maine to go find a woman named Regina. Regina Mills to be exact. She is someone who is very important in your life even if you don't know that now. Once you get to this town and start accepting who you really are you'll understand everything. You will also need to help other people in this town along Miss. Mills. I will not tell you who these people are that you need to help. You'll have to figure this out on your own. This might also help you. You are the second Savior. You will also need to use a certain book to uncover your past.

You need to head to Storybrooke tomorrow. Use the money to board a plane at 5:30 am. You should land 20 miles away from your final destination. There will be a car at the airport that will take you a few mile away from the town line where you walk the rest of the way so the location will remain a secret.

Yours truly,


This guy is crazy! He doesn't even know if I'll do it. I mean I will do it just to get away from my self-centered narcissistic parents who are not even my parents. I was adopted. They don't even love me. Who would?

Before I go to bed, I study the map and count the money. After that's done, I pack my backpack with my few belongings. I set my alarm on my phone for 4:00 so I have enough time to get ready for my red eye flight. I did the math and figured out that I'll get there around 2:00 pm.

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I wake up to my alarm going off annoyingly. I groan and roll over accidentally falling off the bed.

"Crap!" I mumble and grown again.

I crawl over to my closet and slowly get up using the door to for support since I am exhausted. Once I'm up I pick out my outfit. I keep my long blond hair in light waves. I also put on a little bit of makeup.

I grab my backpack and go to the kitchen and grab an apple. I eat it while I look through my phone. Once I'm done with breakfast I put my phone on airplane mode and then I'm out the door. I walk to the air port and by the time I get through security it's time to board the plane.

I board the plane and sit in my seat. By the time the plane is up in the air I'm out like a light. On the plane ride I get about nine more hours of sleep. When the plane lands I'm fully rested and fully ready to take on this adventure. I'm ready for a change in scenery to so why not try out a small town in Maine instead of the fast paced city of Chicago, Illinois.

When I get off the plane I see a guy holding up a sign that says Riley Harper. I adjust the straps on my backpack and make my way towards the guy.

"Are you Miss. Riley Harper?" The guys asks once I reach where he is.

"That would be me." I say with a smile.

"Well let's get on our way then Miss. Harper." He says returning the smile.

We get in the car and we're on the road again. It takes us about twenty minutes to get a mile away from the town line. I thank the driver and he drives off. I see a bicycle sitting in the grass by the road. I pick it up, set it on the road, and hop on. I used to go bike riding in one of my foster homes since it was one of my only way to get around.

It takes me about thirty minutes to bike to the town line. I bike over the town line and about five minutes later I get to the town. It looks like everyone is at some restaurant. I place my bike by the sidewalk and walk up to the restaurant. It looks like they are having a meeting. Should I go in?

Aw screw it! I'm going in! I open the door and a bell goes off. Crap! Everyone turns to look at me. Double crap!

"Who are you and where did you come from?" A man says pulling out a sword at me. Gees!

"Whoa there, no need for swords I come in peace. I didn't mean to interrupt anything. My name is Riley Harper and I'm from Chicago, Illinois. I trust you've heard of it." I say putting my hands up to show that I don't have a weapon. When I say Chicago almost everyone looks confused and they start murmuring to each other.

"What are you doing here in Storybrooke?" A woman with long, blond hair at the front of the group asks.

"A man named Mr. Gold gave me instructions to look for a woman named Regina Mills. He told me to give her this." I say showing them the letter with the woman Regina's name on it. "So with that being said, is there a Regina Mills here?" I ask looking around at them.

"I'm Regina." A woman with medium length, brown hair says stepping forward.

"Well here you go." I say and hand her the letter.

"Did he say anything to you about me?" She asks after she inspects the envelope.

"He just said that you were someone important in my life," I say looking at her questionably and everyone looks confused, "Oh he also gave me this letter." I get the letter out of the side pocket of my backpack.

"Regina why don't we all go back to Mary Margret's and figure this out with out everyone in town watching us." The same woman with the blond hair suggests.

"Ok." Regina says.

So I walk of with five strangers to one of the strangers house. These strangers could be killers. I probably shouldn't have came here, but oh well I have absolutely nothing to lose.

Hey everyone! So this is the first chapter of The Lost Princess! This chapter also was extremely long. Don't expect all chapters to be as long as this one! Please vote and comment or direct message me feedback or ideas for future chapters.

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