staying over at kongs

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(K) *unlocks door* here we go

(A) do you want her laid down on her bed?

(K) that’s fine

(A) *lays Rochelle down* where do I sleep?

(K) you can sleep with me in my bed if your fine with that

(A) it’s alright with me

(K) would you like anything to eat?

(A) sure

(K) rice with a sunny side up milk and I have pink milk in the fridge

(A) ok *grabs milk* anything you want me to grab for you?

(K) milk tea

(A) *picks up drink* here you go

(K) is she still asleep in there?

(A) *looks in* yeah she's sound asleep

(K) alright it's only eight so we can watch a movie in my room

(A) sounds fine to me, could I use your shower?

(K) yeah it's down that hall right there

(A) *walks to bathroom*

(K) *sets up movie*

(A) *15 minutes later* where would you want me to set this?

(K) on the railing outside

(A) *sets towel down* kongpob

(K) yes

(A) have you always known where I lived?

(K) we just visited your place today arthit

(A) I mean that I live straight across from you

(K) I knew at the beginning of junior year

(A) and you didn't tell me

(K) you never asked, movies ready

(A) alright *walks in kongpobs bedroom*

(K) *starts movie*

- hour through movie -

(A) *half asleep*

(K) Arthit? You still awake?

(A) *no response*

(K) *sighs* I like you arthit I guess it's jest hard to admit your the man I like even if you wouldn't feel the same way about me *turns off movie* goodnight

(A) "he likes me"

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