Part 2

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• "Washing Machine Heart ~ Mitski" •

It was 6:30 in the morning. The car ride was 2 hours long and not wanting to take the bus I asked my grandma to move her car from the parking spot I assumed had been there for at least 2 years. My grandma had to cancel her super busy day just for me, the British bake-off just had to wait. She had a 1967 Ford that had paint chipping off of the sides. She also had a walker that had green tennis balls at the end. I had to help her down the flight of stairs where Arthur woke up just to say one last goodbye.

"I'm gonna miss you," Arthur comes closer to pull in for a hug.

"Yeah me too. But hey I get to come back to visit for a week or something." I pull out of the hug and walk away from the pajama-dressed kid.

My grandma tugs on my arm "Oh you two will see each other soon. And this is for the better."

We walked out of the glass doors waving goodbye. Though I was going to see my best friend soon enough it truly felt like I was moving away. Oh, wait I technically am. I held a brown suitcase with patches and stickers on it while my Jansport rested on my shoulders. We walked about a block to the blue car where I helped my grandmother in the car. I placed the walker and my belongings in the back. She pulled out of the parking spot where cars were practically stacked on one another. I slept most of the car ride or listened to music. We stopped at Brentwood at mobile to fill the half-full tank. Since it was my last day with my grandma I asked for a Slurpee and she gave me $2.50 for my blue raspberry and a swirl of cherry Slurpee. I gulped it down leaving the trash in the side of the door. Soon the ride was over and we were pulling up to the school.

Everyone was wearing their uniforms while I was in overalls and a blue unif shirt with my red converse.

We headed into the main office where my grandma filled out some paperwork.

Once the lady was done explaining everything to my grandma, " ok here are your dorm keys you will be bunked with 1 other girl..."

She went on to explain curfew and handed me, my classes, with a key on top of the paper, "Thanks."

I said my goodbyes and headed between students trying to find my way to my room. I walked up at least 4 flights of stairs. When I looked at my keys it was 440. I looked around to realize I was on the fifth floor I turn around heading towards the stairwell.

When I went to pull the door there was a strong force pulling against it. I kept pulling. I finally let go and the door bursts open to my eyes see a curly brown-haired boy lying on the ground.

"I'm so sorry I had no clue you were there," I offer a hand to help him up.

He scoffs at my words, "just get out of my way."

The boy nudges past me, "well looks like the rich have assholes too."

I turn around to see him already out the hall turning into a room. I headed back downstairs trying to make my way to my room.

I turn the keys. Left. Then right. The dark wood-stained door with a tiny peak hole opens up. The room was revealed. A bunk bed in the corner of the room with two dressers, two desks, and a couch.

There was a dark-haired girl near a closet placed on one end of the room. "Oh, you must be Juliette! I'm going to call you Julie, it fits you."

"Yup that's me in the flesh," I said placing down my guitar and square suitcase. She introduced herself.

"Well, I hope you don't mind but you get the top bunk and I've placed your uniform on the dresser." She pointed to the brown box. "Oh this is great I already feel like we are going to be best friends."

ELEUTHEROMANIA ☘︎︎ | 𝕓𝕠𝕒𝕣𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝Where stories live. Discover now