How She Treat Other Guys...

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So today she was talking about a best friend of hers and shes been worried about him all day, I hate the fact that she has lots of guy friends, like most of them dont even wanna be friends with her, they just want a girl to talk to, idk why she doent realize that...she just friend zone them. Like when a hot guy comments on her picture " your cute" or something she will reply "awww thanks " or like " thanks, dm me your kik " and stuff like that. I think thats not the appropriate behavor if you have a bf. If she perfers to be like that then I think this isnt going to work out. Im not going to waste my time on a girl that doesn't feel the same way back. I been trying to get some alone time to talk about each of are friends so that we can be more comfortable with each other but she gets mad everytime I try. Its bad enought she becomes friends with her exs... what am I getting me slef into..

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