Her "BestFriend"...

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So she's been texting a guy really often, I asked her who it was and she said a bestfriend. So I asked her how many guy "bestfriends" she has and she said pretty much just him. Well on snapchat I see she has a picture on her story or her smiling and the caption was " I Love My Nugget ." That got me a bit mad and confused since I didnt know who it was. I asked and she said it was the same guy, her "bestfriend." She saw I was getting jealous so she said "dont worry bae, he isn't my type and my friend likes him." Like wtf, yea thanks bae, that makes me feel better, thanks for clearing it up. Its bad enough she kinda cheated on me with her ex one week after we started. Supposedly that was her "bestfriend." And on snapchat she had his name as "my foreve." I asked who that was once and she lied, she told me it was a girl. How stupid does she think I am. And funny how all the guy bestfriends are fuck boys. Thats the part that piss me off.

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