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  "DON'T." HE WHISPERED lowly; lips brushing against her hair and his body so close to hers that a shiver ran down her spine.

At once Seven fought the urge to relax into the scent of him, warm and soft, yet pressing. She'd never felt him so close, callus fist still wrapped around her wrist.

The receptionist's eyes widened, "Sir — " But Draco held up a hand, commanding silence but not tearing his eyes from Seven. As if by some cruel spell the woman's mouth instantly clamped shut.

"Go back up to the room, my love." He said, finally releasing her to tuck a stray strand of cherry-red hair behind her ear. A scarcely concealed order glinting behind the handsome facade, "Now."

She nodded in understanding, though some small part of her cried out to stay, — that defiant, unyieldingly oppositional part of her that hated being told what to do, but something in his eyes told Seven that now was not the time to create a scene.

She only looked back once in the brief moment before the elevator doors closed to see Draco staring straight back at her, brows furrowed. If she hadn't known any better she might've thought he looked something close to melancholic as he hastily pulled down his shirt sleeve which seconds prior had been rolled to the hilt of his forearm. And then the doors closed, and Seven was alone once more.

  The ascent was short, taking only less than a minute before the elevator leveled and the doors opened upon the thirtieth floor. She fumbled in her garter for her wand, before pressing the tip to the lock, "Licentia."
  Every lock was enchanted the same way, though each with a unique password given upon checking in at reception.

  " — How can you be sure?"

  She paused at the sound of the strange, yet destinctky female voice hissing out across the preivously barren hall. It came closer, brining with it several sets of footsteps, at least three was Seven's best guess.

  " — Because I checked it myself." Said a second, "It's secure. They'll never find it."

  " — And if they do?" The woman asked incredulously, "What then?"

  Seven winced as she shut the apartment door as quietly as she could, but not before hooking one end of the Extendable Ears that she'd fished from her bag under it.

  "My Lady, first they'd have to make it past Envy's men, not to mention Envy himself..."

  " — I said what then." Snapped the woman, and though her words were not directed at Seven, she could feel herself shrink back against the inside of the door.

  "... Well, theoretically if they were able to, which is highly unlikely, then it's also cursed, only the Dark Lord and Wrath himself know what it looks like and only they may touch it."

  "Is that so?" She sounded mildly impressed, there was a second of silence and then a moment later she added, "Well done Yaxley. You've yet to fail me."

• • •

  EVEN ONCE THEIR voices had long faded into the buzz of the silence, Seven still lingered by the door, as if hoping by some miracle that the dulcet tone of the woman would find her through the woodwork once more.

When the door eventually swung open, Seven had just found her way into the armchair but continued to stare blankly at the wall, trying to process everything she'd heard.

They'll never find it.

— Who was 'they?'

What then?

𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐓| 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora