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The sky began to dim and the world inside the walls began to calm down as another day of training, combat skills and the captain obsessive need to clean came to a end.
The solider's were in the mess hall, well at least the ones that weren't already asleep, or in the infirmary, enjoying the small amount of food they were able to have and these short moments they got to relax.

the survey corps had returned from another failed expedition outside the walls, the cadets from the 104th training squad expected the outside wall to be beautiful......but what they saw left deep marks in there hearts and in there heads.
The failed venture left many dead and even more injured, including humanity's strongest and the titan shifter eren yeager.
Because of the shortness of solider's the commander enlisted the help of the garrison and military police.

A group of people sat around a table jean and eren fighting about petty things and arguing over the expedition, connie and Sasha's antics seem to be the same regardless of anything, the two tried to lighten up the mood but only ended up disturbed the 'peace', in the end they seemed to get a laugh or two out of it, witch made everyone feel better.

"Did you hear about the 'borrowed' solider's we are getting from the garrison?"Someone said trying to break the silents between some of the people at the table.
"Ya I herd about that, because of the shortage of solider's we are gonna train with some of there men in case of a breach or for future reference if necessary" jean rested his head in his hands and yawned before cradling his head in his crossed arms on the table.
"But why the garrison, those guys are a bunch of drunk cowards!, why would we want there men.....we are probable better of without them" eren protested hitting his hand against the table causing the plates and cutlery still left on the table to shake, and also making jean jump up.
"...I hate to say this titan boy....but I think you're right, they are to scared to do anything for humanity's sake" he said in between yawns, and getting up from his seat "I'm going to bed"
He said simply and began to walk out of the room, giving a small wave as he left closing the wooden door behind him.

People began to file out of the room slowly one after the other. Most of them were relaxed, because of lately there was no plans for another exposition in the up coming weeks, but the majority of the solider's were not happy they were gonna have to work with the so called 'drunk', 'lazy ass' garrison, a few even saw it as a insult to there hard work.

The able members of the survey corps stood outside the new location they moved to three days ago for the new training, so for the time being the garrison and some of the survey corps members would be staying there to train and 'get aquatinted'.
There were rather large trees about a half hours walk away, and an opened space for them to do combat and other training, but the building they were staying at was rather large but also very old and dirty.
Vines grew up the old stone walls and different lengths of grass were all around, the inside was covered in dust and cob webs needless to say the place needed work, and that's the first thing they were all going to do together as soon as the garrisons men arrived.

"This is to much work, why the fuck would Erwin do this I don't want to train a bunch of lazy asses" captain Levi grumbled to hanji who was standing beside him
"Oh come on shorty this will be fun!" The exited girl spouted back at him and the sound of horses could be herd in the distance.

Erwin stayed back at the old location along with some of the other squad leaders and solider's, leaving Levi and hanji in charge of everything.
The two squad leaders got into a conversation only to be snapped out of it when Levi realized the garrison had arrived.

Most of them looked fairly young, some were even recognized from the 104 squad. But even so they path they had choses when the picked there branches was considered to be the weakest one, and most of them were drunk half the time including commander himself at times.

The garrison dismounted there horses and waited to be greeted or given orders, it was at this point that Levi disused to give some instruction, he stepped forward I front of the survey corps solider's "Put your horses in the stalls over there then line up back here for orders and introduction" he said in a less then happy tone giving off some glares to the garrison.
They followed orders then returned back and got Into a line "listen up, we will not tolerate any drinking here, and if your caught drinking or in the position of alcohol there will be hell to pay, you're not here to sit around you're here to become a fighter and not a so called coward, you all shall follow mine or squad leader Hanji's orders with no hesitation" Levi continued to talk for a while longer still giving off the emotionless look and un happy vibes.

Hanji stood on the right side of the line with a stern look on her face but that soon turned into grin as she spoke "what's your name?"
She said to the first man in the line
"Andrew smith" he said and gave a sloppy salute causing hanji to laugh slightly before writing his name down on some paper and moving down the line. "Fredrick green", "Elizabeth Dryden", "Kyle lute"
she continued down the line until she got to the end of the line, there were about twelve solider's so it didn't take long to get through the line, and people wanted to get inside before it got dark.
The ride to the new location was long an tiring so a good nights rest was In order for all of them, with a day of cleaning am preparations in the morning.

"And your name would be" hanji asked the last one in line who just so happened to be a girl " it Y/N L/N " the girl name Y/N said and gave a small salut to her new captain for the time being.
"That's all of them Levi, there's 8 boys and 4 girls, some of them are older while some are just out of the 105 training squad" hanji ran up to Levi and handed him some papers with there information on it, shaking her hand afterwords trying to get ride of the craps she got from holding the pen to long.
He looked over the papers quickly before returning his attention back to everyone else "all of you are dismissed, get some sleep tomorrow we start cleaning up this god forsaken dump"

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