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"Gahh.." Andrew grunted when jean sent another direct punch to his face, he attempted to block it but his reflexes were just to slow
"Come on garrison, didn't you practice hand to hand combat or were you to lazy!" Jean shouted throwing another punch at the blond haired green eyed boy named Andrew, it was obvious that Andy has taller than jean not by much but it was noticeable
But height or weight had nothing to do with it, jean was faster and that's what was winning the fight they were having during combat training.

Everyone was divided into pairs to do some basic combat and defensive training, but most pairs seemed pretty easily matched.
Everyone could agree that the feeling of being beaten down to the ground was undesirable, but it's what was needed to be at your best or at least up to the standards.

"I can't believe some of these people even made it into a branch, what good are they to humanity if there just gonna mess everything up"
Levi was leaning against the railing on the level above the yard where they were fighting, he wasn't gonna lie a lot of them both survey corps and garrison alike were good, but they could be better. He moved his eyes from pair to pair not staying on one too long as hanji wrote down some notes on there progress and skills.

"Some of them might not be good on the ground, but I'm sure they'll make up for it with the 3Dmg training we will be doing soon" said hanji trying to keep things light, she held her usual smile an upbeat attitude
"I hope you're right shity glasses" he sighed, closing his eyes for a moment listening to the grunts and loud talk of everyone around him,
His eyes slowly opened again, giving one more gaze around at the groups.
Levi straightened up his back once he was off the railing and started walking towards the stairs that lead down to the yard.

"Stop what you're doing for a moment and listen"
He projected his voice making everyone stop, even the ones that were mid way into a punch or kick to there opponents, they all turned there gazes to one of there captains
"We are going to be doing a tower of power, garrison will be fighting against the survey corps one by one,
One on one matches if you are pinned you are out no second chances, the last man standing wins and so does his branch......understood?"
Everyone either nodded or gave a shouting "yes sir!"

They all got into a circle well I guess more of an octagon shape, with two people In the middle one from each branch.
"Ready?" Hanji asked standing near the two seeing as how she was referring, both men nodded and hanji gave the hand signal witch meant go.
For a while they circled, waiting to see what the other would do
There fists raised up as to block or to throw punches at each other, and finally the first move was made by connie, who saw the opportunity to kick the others side.

One after the other almost everyone went in, and it was clear that the survey corps was winning, but only by one person.
"You got this Alex...." Y/N said over selling her up beat attitude, she honestly thought things would have gone better, but she new that this would happen "don't worry Y/N, I won't let them beat us!" Alex prompted himself giving his friend a little pat on her head, ruffling her hair, before walking into the middle were a grinning eren stood.
'I'll win for sure, I'll show heichou how strong I can be in a fight like this' the green eyed boy shifted his gaze to the observing captain, he really did look up to him and aspired to do even half the stuff he did, but because he is a half titan he gets that chance to do all that and even gain the respect of Levi and not just be known as a 'titan brat'.

This match took longer than expected, Alex ended up winning but both men went out of the competition.
Eren had accidentally roughly stomped on Alexis bent leg inflicting pain in that leg whenever he would stand up, "all right L/N, braun your up" hanji yelled still holding her ridicules smile.
Y/N slowly walked towards Reiner, he might have not doubled her in height, but he doubled her in muscle mass
She looked over him once more before raising her fists nervously "ready?!"
Y/N was dreading the next words that would come out of Hanji's mouth, but there was no getting out of it "begin!"

The two circled for a while before Reiner stepped closer and took the first kick, Y/N moved her elbow down but she could still feel the full blunt of the kick on her hip bone. There was no way she could win, hit after hit came and she blocked many of them but still it was too much.
Y/N went in to try and tackle him, maybe if she could get him to the ground it would go better for her, but Reiner was a step ahead of her.
He hooked her leg with his arm and used her own momentum to swing her over his broad shoulder, Y/N hit the ground hard, all the wind knocked out of her she was struggling for air.

"Looks like we win...." Reiner said looking down at her as she turned over on her stomach still trying to regain the lost breath.
"I honestly thought you guys would be better, like all the rumour weren't true, but I guess you're all just a bunch of drunk, useless lazy asses who are sad excuses for solider's...." Y/N's breath hitched at this, she wasn't sure who said it but wasn't okay.
She closed her eyes and took deep breaths in, her fingers digging into the dirt ground that she now lye on, something about what that person just said rubbed her the wrong way, it made her angry.

Y/N slowly opened her eyes and then pushed herself up from the ground using her already tired arms and legs, "what makes you think you're better than us?"
People turned around to look at Y/N, there was surprise in there eyes, she had gotten back up "look I don't care if you insult me, but I do give a damn if you're insulting my friends
We all trained for the same purpose, to help humanity so don't you go thinking just because you choose a different branch that you're better than the rest of us....."
She glared at Reiner, the clear signs of detest in her eyes as her gaze drifted around.

The two branches started yelling at each other, having a debate of sorts.
At some point Reiner threw another punch at Y/N for starting this whole thing, but this time she dodged it and used her elbow to hit his forearm.
Reiner brought his other hand over to out pressure on his forearm, leaving him wide open witch Y/N took use of.
She kicked him right in the abdominal muscles, the wind left him and he fell to his knees taking deep berths in.

"You guys really are as cocky as they say....ha you should know the garrison aren't the only ones that have rumours about them"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2015 ⏰

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