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Fanart by: drawverylittle on Tumblr :)

"Y/N, I'm getting nauseous from watching you pace back and forth. Will you just relax?" Tanka whined, putting his head into his lap. I stop walking and turn to him just as Nishinoya chimes in.

"Yeah! There's nothing to be worried about! It's just a date with Asahi, what's there to be nervous about?" His attempt at helping me relax is short lived and I feel worse than I did before he said that.

"Noya I... I don't know if I can go through with this. What if I'm not how he expected me to be? What if we go on this date and our friendship is ruined? Does my outfit look okay? Maybe I should get changed-" I'm disrupted from my downward spiral by Tanaka swinging his arm into my side. "What was that for?!"

"You know for you usually being such a badass, I'm quite surprised to see you being a wuss." He grins and Nishinoya joins in the laughter, my face flushing as a result. "You're starting to sound like Asahi when someone calls him a grown man. Get a grip, this isn't you."

Wincing, I rub the area he hit while simultaneously avoiding the piercing glare the pair were giving me. Despite being jolted from my self-sabotaging thoughts, I still felt apprehensive and uncertain about what was to come. I knew that I normally didn't act like this and they didn't hesitate reminding me. However, when it came to their ace, it was as if my tenacity that took me ages to build up simply didn't exist anymore.

I sigh in defeat and take a seat next to Noya at my kitchen table. His phone pings and he grins. "Well, if you're going to wimp out, better do it now. Suga texted me that they're on their way."

My eyes widen and I quickly hide my face into my hands. I feel my pulse quicken and suddenly I'm trying to catch my breath. Did I want to? Of course, why wouldn't I? Then why was I feeling so nervous? This isn't my first date with someone.

But it's my first date with Asahi.

"Noya, I think you broke her." Tanaka mumbles and the shorter one yells in protest. "Did not! You called her a wuss! If anything you broke her!"

I loved them, but when it came to times like these, arguing only made it worse and made me question why I had invited them over in the first place. As if he could read my mind, Tanaka reassures me that my decision was a good one.

"I'm not that great at this kind of stuff, but I will try my best with the experience I have dealing with my sister." He stiffly places a hand on my shoulder. "Look, to keep it simple, Asahi likes you Y/N. Like, a lot. I mean the guy had the guts to ask you out. What more proof do you need than that?"

Noya snorts. "Yeah! And he's never asked a girl out before meeting you. So I'd say that you're pretty special to him."

I lift my head and peer up at them. Both had soft smiles on their face and I felt safe in knowing that what they were saying was true.

A knock at my front door disturbs the peace and that short moment of tranquility is gone. The door opens and closes quickly and Suga finds his way into the kitchen.

"You guys were supposed to help her get ready! What have you been doing this whole time?" He wails, examining my appearance and my heart drops.

"Suga! We just got her to chill out! Look at what you've done." Tanka groans and begins to fan my face.

"And, we did help her get ready! We've been waiting on the cowardly lion himself to pick her up." Nishinoya adds and Suga sighs.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted you two. Y/N, come with me. I'm going to fix what these boys did to you."

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