Chapter 1

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Morning in Ponyville spreads across the rest of the land. Ponies coming out of their cottages, birds flying with the wind of pegasi, and everyone doing their daily routines.

It was all great.

Except for onepony.


The one and only pony who always worked off her flank.

Like always, she went off from drawer to drawer. Picking out new threads and needles for designs and whatnot.

"Oh come on, come on." She said while searching through each drawer she found.

"No, No, No!"The mare said in frustration.

"Just cherry, cinnamon, and velvet. Crimson isn't even close!"

Rarity threw her self on her bed with emotions flowing throught her while she curls up in a ball moaning.

Just then a knock came upon her door."Rarity? Are you being a total drama queen again? Ugh! When will you ever stop."

Rarity trotted over to her door. There stood SweetieBelle with a frown on her face. Almost looking ready to pounce upon her.

"SweetieBelle! Didn't I tell you to not interrupt me when I am working on a new project!?"

Sweetie ignored her statement,"Today I'm going with Applebloom to her apple farm. She wanted to show me something that might get us our cutiemarks. I was just wondering if you wanted to come."entence

"Not right now. I am very busy.",Rarity walked into her room still shuffling through all her fabrics.

"Busy doing what? Crying over everything you need and don't have."

Rarity was red with anger bubbling inside her. Sometimes she truly loves her sister, but most of the time she was a pain in the neck. Sweetie didn't wait for a response and let her self out. 

Apple farm Rarity thought. Then an idea found a way into her brain.

"Sweetie Belle!"

Sweetie looked back to her sister,"What?" "Your going to the Apple farm, right?" "Yeah? So what?" "Maybe I will come along with you." Sweetie smiled to her sister, looking proud, but changed into a frown after Rarity said,"But first, let me get into the proper outfit to wear."

As Rarity walked over to her set of clothes Sweetie rolled her eyes,"This is going to be a long day."

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