The Start

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Sam's POV:

I woke up in my bed when the man/agent of E.Y.E. came in the room and turned on the lights. They were very bright that my eyes were burning. Everyone else in the room started to wake up  and were saying like What the heck? or Turn off the lights dude!! 

Agent of E.Y.E. : Everyone up! Like i said yesterday, today you will start your mission. But first you have to dress up.

He left the room and left the door wide open. We didn't know what to do so we just sit down on our bed. But then he comes back.

Agent of E.Y.E. : Um, this is when you have to follow me.

We all got up and started following him as we all left the room. After all that we were passing a hallway when i saw that the hallway/bridge had windows as the walls therefor we could see inside of the organization E.Y.E. I saw that there were no human beings there, there was just robots. Alot of the robots were fixing stuff or building stuff with their tools. Their were alot of vehicles and planes. But there was more weapons than vehicles. The weapons looked very huge and heavy.

Mark: Sir why are their no humans here and only robots?

I also wanted to ask that question but i thought i would be annoying if i did.

Agent of E.Y.E. : Its because i run this place, i'm the only human here while i built all of these robots. Well, there is another human that works here because he's my friend, but he's very busy almost all the time.

I was shocked and everyone else too, he was the Boss of this place! After we saw all the stuff inside the place, he led us to our dresser room. He got inside and he faced us.

Boss of E.Y.E. : This is where you will change your cloths, well actually you will put on some cloths and armor. And some weapons are inside of each of these closets that you will need.

Alex: Weapons? Why do we need weapons? Is there something out there that will kill us?

Boss of E.Y.E. : Alex remember, i said this mission would be dangerous, very dangerous.

He then walked out of the room and left us alone. We all began to go inside each closet and change. When i walked inside of mine, i was very happy of what i was going to wear and also my weapons. My weapons were a small dagger/ small knife and a pistol with ammo in my pockets. But last but not least, was a crossbow in the corner with a pack of 30 arrows. I got out and i checked myself in the mirror, i looked so bad-ass. I was wearing some military type of armor with a metal helmet that had x-ray googles with night vision that was optional.But then everyone else got out too and all of us were wearing the same thing.

Shawn: Are you kidding me?

*Time skip to 1 hour later*

We were all in a plane and we were in our assigned seats. There was a robot pilot there while the boss was in the seat next to him. I was next to a kid i didn't know so i decided to talk to him.

Sam: Hey, my name is Sam, whats yours?

Karl: My name is Karl, and this is my group!

He then pointed at his group that was next to him.

Ashley: Hi

Emily: Hey!

Chris: Sup!

Sam: So uh do you guys know where are we going?

Karl: No idea.... but i think its a village with this Lady  person.

Boss of E.Y.E. : Here Emily this is a map of where you will be going! There's a red line across the map which shows you where to go.

He then hands Emily the map and she says thnx while she looks at it.

*Time skip to 15 minutes later*

Boss of E.Y.E. : Here we are! This is where we leave! Good luck out there players!

The back door of the plane was slowly opening while the plane was landing. We all got out and the plane left. We were in the bottom of a snowy mountain while there lots of mountains. There was a village up ahead so i guessed this place was some kind of snowy village.

Karl: Hey Emily! Check the map so we could know where to go!

Emily: Well it says here that we have to go through the village in able to kill The lady.

Mark: Um, i think what Karl meant to ask is, Where the hell are we? 

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