04. The Neva Flows

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The Neva Flows
(Season 1, episode 2)

"Be careful what a dream may bring
A revolution is a simple thing"

"Be careful what a dream may bringA revolution is a simple thing"

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Bucky was sitting on some crates while Sam laid back on the narrow seats. Anya sat across from Sam, legs folded and arms crossed and a frown on her face.

"So Birdie," Sam looked over at her. "I'm still a bit lost."

"About what?" She asked.

"About you." Sam replied. "All I know is that Hydra gave you those powers. That's it. What else did they do to you? How did you get away? How did you find Bucky?"

"Leave her be, Sam." Bucky said.

"And what exactly is she gonna do?" Sam asked. "Do a little tap dance and razzle dazzle me to death?"

"I can't tap dance." Anya chuckled. "It's fine Bucky, I don't mind."

Bucky looked her over, making sure she was telling the truth. She gave him a tight lipped smile and he nodded for her to continue.

"I was brought in at a really young age." Anya said. "I don't know how old I was, they never told me and I can't remember."

"How old are you now?" Sam asked.

"No idea." Anya shrugged. "Don't know when my birthday is either. I'm at least... 24. I think. I don't remember anything from before I was taken. They messed with my memories somehow. I don't know who I was. Who I am. Anya isn't my real name but I don't know what it really is. I don't know where I'm from or who my family is. I don't know how long I spent in containment either. The days, the weeks, the months... the years all blend together. They only ever let me out for missions. But that wasn't until after I had my abilities. The experimentation started young and they just kept going until they... they perfected it."

Anya saw Sam looking quizzically at her. Hesitantly she reached up to the zipper of her dark purple top. It had a similar look to Bucky's, a leathery and sleek look. It had been zipped up all the way, covering her neck.

She caught Bucky's eye. He looked nervous for her. He had only seen her scars once, and even then it was only a glimpse in his dimly lit apartment.

Anya unzipped her top down to her collar bone, flattening out the collar so her neck was on display. Sam and Bucky looked at the many scars, big and small, that ran across her neck. They went in all different directions, some overlapping and swirling across her neck like a constellation.

"They wanted to enhance my vocal chords," Anya explained. "It took them forever to perfect it. I know they started when I was very young and just kept going. I was a guinea pig. But it was all I knew."

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