↬ | chapter twenty

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"Talk to me. What do you see?" Raven inquired, needing Maggie and Bellamy to be her set of eyes so she could properly navigate them to where they needed to be.

"Close your eyes. Imagine a bottomless pit," Bellamy muttered, seeming ten times more calm as opposed to his girlfriend above him. She couldn't think straight— heights had begun to get to her, which sounded absolutely ridiculous considering her old home. It was all perspective. "Someone could be doing a little better," he referred to his partner in crime. "Nice ass," he mimicked what she had said to him a little while prior.

"Not a funny fucking joke," Magnolia spat out, gripping the ladder's rungs for dear life until her knuckles turned ivory, "Just talk, Raven. So I don't have to listen to him."

"Just stick with it, guys," she inspirationally commented, although it did anything but inspire either of them. "According to Dante's coordinates, you're almost there."

The pair climbed up a tad more, being extra careful to hold on tight and not slip. Otherwise, they'd plunge into a dark abyss, never to be heard from again. Fortunately, the guard boots did a solid job of keeping each of them steady, the grips doing their job. "What's happening on your end? Did they evacuate TonDc?" Bellamy questioned, doing his best to make conversation. He wasn't doing all that well either, even if was for different reasoning.

Raven's words and mannerisms sounded positive."Don't know yet. But it's Clarke. She'll get it done. Just concentrate on squeezing your ass through the vents. Stop worrying about your sister."

Bellamy stopped dead in his tracks at the last sentence. And rightfully so. Clarke had downright lied— Maggie fully understood the reasoning, but it was undoubtedly the wrong move. God-forbid Octavia didn't make it. She feared that her dearest Bell Pepper would go all Finn Collins on her, but this time on Camp Jaha instead. "Octavia's in TonDc. She's there?" he asked the dreaded question, and the silence for a split second felt way longer than it actually had been, "Raven."

"She's gonna be okay," the mechanic tried to assure them, "Clarke fired out of here. She's gonna get there on time."

"Damn right she is," Magnolia confidently mustered up the words, trying to put on a tough exterior for Bellamy. He was already a bit off, and they couldn't afford for her to be the same, even if she was flipping her shit about Octavia on the inside as well. Hell, she loved that girl like she had known her her entire life. They bonded over countless things— being trapped for their entire lives stuck out amongst all the others. She'd die for the younger Blake, no questions asked.

Like expected, the ebony-haired boy still wasn't settled. "How could you keep this from me?"

"Clarke was trying to protect you," she gave the reply Magnolia was awaiting. That's always what is was, no matter what. Bellamy sighed as he tilted his head upward to see how much farther they had to go. "Listen, you still have a job to do. I know you're both worried about Octavia, but you guys need to focus."

Given their circumstances, it wasn't like they could stand around there forever, so of course each of them complied. "Let's just get this done," Bellamy scoffed, indirectly giving the girl ahead of him the signal to proceed on. She glanced down at him— he needed to rest, more than anything. But Magnolia wasn't one to pester, so she only continued climbing up, higher and higher.

It genuinely didn't take all that much longer for the two, since there was more meandering as opposed to talking going on. Raven would occasionally note something minor here or there, but other than that, it was actually pretty silent. Both Bellamy and Maggie were growing tired with every hour longer they stayed awake, especially since they had barely gotten anything to eat during their stay. Fatigue was creeping up on them, which was a little reminder that they needed to hurry their asses up.

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