↬ | chapter five

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   "Mags?" Bellamy's head tilted, wondering what she was doing on her own. Magnolia rolled her eyes— the two weren't on the best terms, especially because of all the reckless choices the boy had been deciding. 

   "In the flesh," Maggie commented. Of course he had to choose that cave— of course. "Was it just the two of you out there?"

   "There are a few others," the little girl answered, making Bellamy look at the ground. Magnolia's eyes widened towards Bellamy— he left them out there?

   The teenager was quick to rush out of the cave, only to feel the Blake boy grab a hold of her forearm, making her wince from his narrow grip on the bite. "Where do you think you're going?"

   "To get them," Maggie stated the obvious, pulling her arm away with a grimace. 

   "They found shelter," Bellamy told her, "There are multiple other caves. You can't go out there, we need you back at the drop ship."

   Magnolia couldn't help but scoff. "You know, that's the second time you've said that. Yet, every time I try to do what's right you defy me."

   The small child shuffled awkwardly, standing to the side as the two disputed. At the same time, both of them remembered that she was there, listening to it all. 

   "I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself, have I?" Maggie sat on a rock, extending out a gentle hand. "Maggie."

   "Charlotte," she shyly replied, hesitatingly shaking hands. 

   The three remained in relative silence, soon concluding that the fog wasn't going to pass for a while, and sleeping there was the most logical option. 


   "No!" a voice squealed in the middle of the night, urgently jolting both Bellamy and Maggie awake. With a quick glance at each other, the two realized it belonged to Charlotte, seemingly having a nightmare. 

   "Charlotte, wake up," Bellamy shook the girl lightly, resting his hands on her knees that were covered by his jacket as a makeshift blanket. 

   Upon noticing the two of us staring at her with concern, she cowered into the crevice of the rock, embarrassed. "I'm sorry," her little voice spoke, making Maggie's heart hurt. 

   "Does it happen often? What are you scared of?" Bellamy questioned as she let out a nervous sigh, not answering his question. "You know what? It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you do about it."

   Both of the girls watched the boy's knowing expression, wondering what he was referring to. "But— I'm asleep," Charlotte noted. 

   Bellamy shook his head. "Fears are fears. Slay your demons when you're awake, and they won't be there to get you when you sleep."

   "Yeah, but how?" the blonde inquired, still not catching onto what he was saying. 

   "You can't afford to be weak," his eyes drifted, glaring at the two of them. "Down here, weakness is death. Fear is death." A moment passed, the three just flickering their gazes at one another. "Lemme see that knife I gave you." Maggie's immediate reaction in her mind was: You gave Charlotte what?

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