Prologue (Rewritten)

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(A/N: None of my stories are intersex all pregnant male characters give birth anally and do not present boobs. I also will not fetishize my characters nor do I expect them to be fetishized, if those are your intentions please exit my book.)

Johnathan's POV

Staring down at the positive test in my hand I let out a small sob. I wasn't sad or happy for the simple fact that I and Iman always talked about having kids one day just not now. "Fuck" setting the test down I grabbed some toilet paper and picked it back up wrapping it tightly and shoving it in the bottom of the trash from prying eyes. Heading back into my room where a sleeping Rohan slept on my bed, his mom dropped him off around two hours ago and left with no exchanged words like usual. I didn't expect her to either seeing as Iman was the only active parent between the two and she only got him every once a month since I came into the picture.

"What the fuck am I going to do" I knew once my being pregnant hit the fan all hell was going to break loose. Especially between me and my parents they were never fond of me dating a man anyway and voiced that with every chance they fucking got. Everyone knew all of them two cared about keeping appearances and making sure I and my brother were great pristine influencers. I used to care about all of that before I met Iman and Rohan both of them changing my life for the better, my parents though hated it I still remember how I and my dad almost got into a physical fight when he said some racist ass shit about Iman and Rohan.

Now though I had bigger things to worry about not only will I possibly get kicked out I knew once Iman found out he will do his all for me and this baby and he was already struggling to make ends meet now. I didn't want us to have to worry about that, but I already knew it will be a problem in the future for us.

laying down next to Rohan I picked him up setting him on my chest and left a tender kiss on his head. Even though he biologically wasn't my child I still loved him as he was, and for a 3 year old he had a lot of personality It honestly made me smile thinking about giving him a sibling since he's been asking forever for some reason. Knowing I could have a child with someone I genuinely loved and who supported me made me smile from ear to ear, cuddling Rohan and going to sleep.

I couldn't have been asleep for long before the bedroom door banged open startling me and Rohan out of my sleep my heart beating fast and the sudden intrusion. "is it true!" Iman shouted my face instantly growing to one of confusion the fuck was he talking about

"Man what the fuck is wrong with you Iman" I was irritated not only from being woken up but being asked a damn question with no context or reason.

"Man stop fucking playing with me Johanthan is that shit they said true" he shouted making Rohan whine and cling to my hoodie.

"Is what fucking true cause I'm lost here Iman what the fuck are you talking about" my attitude matched his as I gently sat Rohan down and stood up going near Iman.

"you made a bet with your fucking friends on me and our relationship with me what you think I'm pussy or sum" he shouted again as my body froze he was never supposed to find out about that. I never expected him to especially since I genuinely fell in love with him.

"Iman baby, listen to me it was never like that" I tried to plead, going to touch him but he punched me in my mouth suddenly making my head snap to the side. no words were exchanged as it went silent only our labored breathing could be heard but I was fucking mad he put his hands on me and didn't even want to listen.

My anger got the best of me as I hit him back both of us beginning to go blow for blow him getting the best of me and pinning me on the floor my face red and throbbing and him breathing heavily on top of me. I tried to get up as soon as I heard Rohan cry but Iman kept me in place and hit me again making me cry out for him to let me up.

"get the fuck off of me" I shouted just as I heard footsteps running to the room and his best friends Keyon and Semonte ran in pulling him off me. I shakily got up with tears pouring down my face and looking at Iman in the same state broke my heart I knew I fucked up.

"Get the fuck out of my Shit!!" Iman shouted and I couldn't do anything but comply. I walked slowly out of the room and to the front door of the apartment my whole body shaking as tears pooled out my eyes. knowing it was over I left out the apartment my heart heavy and mentally foggy. even as I sat in my car still couldn't stop crying and had to drive extremely slow to the only house and person I know would comfort me right now.

like I thought as I looked at his front porch Josh stood on it smoking a blunt but quickly put it out when he saw me and ran to the car.

"aye what happened," he asked gently taking my keys out of the ignition and leading me out of my car into the house.

"I fucked up Josh" I whispered to him as he pulled me closer to his chest letting the silence wrap around us with no questions.


                                                                             10 Months Later

"Bet yo ass won't bust them shits open again will ya" Josh laughed at me as I groaned out moving my hips side to side trying to move the pain out.

"Josh please shut the fuck up" my voice sounded more like a whimper as my best friend laughed and proceeded to record me in pain and whimpering. This shit was no joke and I don't know why the fuck I'm going for a natural birth or even letting Josh's childish ass in here.

"slob on my knob like corn on the cob check in with me and do your job" he began singing and dancing around the room making me laugh through the pain.

"ahhh fuck" I was broken from that slight happiness as another contraction tore through me and Josh ran by my side helping me move back onto my back. "can you please get the doctor I feel like I have to push" Josh left the room and came back shortly with Dr.Oliver who had his glasses perched on his nose and a clipboard in his hand.

"hows my favorite patient doing today your loving best friend here told me you feel like you have to push, let us just check," he said and lifted my gown I felt i slight discomfort before he stood back up Josh was now at my side holding my hand. "well you're definitely ready to push son so on that next contraction I need you to push okay" nodding I let out loud whimpers and squeezed Josh hand.

"goddamn don't break my shit now" Josh winced trying to get me to let go but I just held tighter and let out sobs.

"Okay you can push son," Dr. Oliver said as I pushed my chin to my chest and began pushing and my fucking god I thought the contractions were bad but lord no. I instantly began screaming as I felt my baby start to travel down Josh was wincing too from how loud I screamed.

"OH MY GOD GET HIM OUT GET HIM OUT" I screamed I had to been pushing for around two hours now and I still felt like the barely moved.

"We have the head John," Dr.Oliver said giving me more motivation to push but my body was exhausted and I felt as if I couldn't push anymore.

"come on you got it Man I'm trying to meet my big-headed ass nephew now" that made me laugh honestly as I began pushing again. it wasn't long before I felt a gush come from my body and a loud wail pierce through the air "that baby looks like a damn alien" Josh said but I paid his ass no mind and let out a long sigh. My breath still labored as they laid my screaming child on my chest.

"Hi baby" I whispered to my child as he began settling down on my chest his head moving around. "My precious baby boy" kissing his head even with all the gunked up shit on his head he was still precious to me

"Can I cut the cord now" Josh interrupted smiling from ear to ear with a pair of I guess scissors in his hand like a damn child.

"you couldn't have waited for a little more Josh" I groaned looking at my childish ass best friend

"Hell no this my damn baby too with all that shit I done bought for him and I stood in here with you as you nearly broke my damn hand" Josh cut the cord with the help of a nurse who happily recorded for him as he smiled from ear to ear like a baby who just got candy.

I laughed looking at him and my son who started crying as Josh stood over him. I guess this is my new start now My best friend and now Baby boy from the looks of it is glaring his uncle down.

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