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Chapter 2

Johnathan POV

"Lemme get sum Robux money mommy" hate that dumbass game

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"Lemme get sum Robux money mommy" hate that dumbass game. Swear to god every week his ass is asking for some Robuxs money.
"No leave me alone, I gave yo ass sum last week what happened to it?" Hasahn stated at me before curling his lip up and giving me a dumb look.

"I spent it and I don't wanna use my money lemme just hold $10 please" don't have kids
"That's not my problem go use your own money bubba. Get out my face you aggravating" rolling my eyes I walked away from him and back into the kitchen finishing up dinner. Can't wait till he go back to school shit, I love my baby but he draining my poor pockets. And he got a smart mouth, gentle parent my ass I can't do that shit.

My phone started going off making me look over and see Lamar was calling me. We've been friends for about a week but honestly he's more like a bestfriend now.

"Yooo" I answered looking into the camera at him eating a piece of chicken.
"You tryna take the kids to
The trampoline park this next week bookie" mouthful and stomach on full display as he practically yelled into.
The phone a couple of crumbs from the chicken falling into his beard.

"Lamar clean ya damn face man, and yeah I'm down you asked Donnie too?" Turning off the heat to the stove I carried my phone over into the living and laid on the couch. Hasahn looked at me and ran over giving me a kiss before plopping down between my legs getting comfortable.
Making me run my fingers through his hair as I spoke and he went back to his game.

"Yeah you know his ass was gone agree he don't do shit but stay in the house. Matter of fact lemme add his ass to the call" Donnie answered looking red and breathing heavy.

"Hol up I'm outta breath my fatass just had to chase Ethan through the house. Me and Lamar laughed looking at Donnie as he caught his breath.
"Ight I'm good what the fuck y'all want" well excuse the fuck outta me.

"Shut up bitch but we was just tryna make sure you still on par wit the plans for this week" Donnie nodded his head and soon we all fell into conversation mainly about the kids and shit.

"Mommy can we eat now" Hasahn asked me wrapping his arms around my neck. As I nodded my head before saying goodbye to the two pregnant men and hanging up.

"You want a lil bit or a lil a lot" staring at the spoon as I dug into the pasta and held Hasahn on my hip.

"A lot and some of that bread too thank you" plating his food up I sat him down on the stool at the island and sat his plate in front of him along with a caprisun.

Later on that night I laid in bed watching criminal minds I had just put Hasahn in his bed so the house was quiet. Giving me some peace to myself for a bit. Ian have work tomorrow cause I usually make sure I leave the weekends to myself and Hasahn or to edit pictures and shit. Honestly I don't really do much besides running my business and taking care of my son. Ian fuck in a year so I'm definitely not seeing nobody either. Really just to myself and the couple friends I got. Josh be coming over and shit and we talk or play the game, sometimes go out but that's it. Not saying I'm not happy but I just need a little more in my life besides this boring ass routine so maybe becoming friends wit Lamar was a good thing. All he like to do is got out and have fun even with being pregnant and I like that shit it give me sum to do cause he's been dragging me along with him when I'm free.

Maybe things will pick up for me soon in the meantime I needa find sum to fuck on I'm too pent up.

Boring but not everyone loves is productive everyday bookie butt

Boring but not everyone loves is productive everyday bookie butt

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