Conversations and Ptsd

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All Might: Hey Kid wake up *repeatedly slapping his face*

Past Izuku: Mhhh huh

ALL MIGHT? *babbling*

All Might: Good your awake . . . I thought I had lost you for a second.

Past Izuku (thoughts): Huh this isn't the same All Might that is portrayed online.

Who is this guy

Let me try something

Past Izuku: Uhh can you sign-

All Might: Already did kid

Past Izuku: Oh *grabs notebook, flips through the pages to see "ALL MIGHT" written in bold* . . . Thanks (So it is him huh. This is weird should I say something, probably not he is way too powerful to have someone like me ask him something.)

All Might: Kid are you in space or something?

Past Izuku: *giggle* sorry sorry I was just a bit lost in thought.

All Might: Lost in thought about what?

Past Izuku: I mean what else are you supposed to do when you idle is right in front of you.

All Might: (this kid...) Right I understand, well I'm gonna go now

Past Izuku: Wait before you go can I ask you a quick question

All Might: Sure kid, shoot

Past Izuku: Well I know it's far fetched but can I still be a hero without a quirk

All Might: (really out of all questions this) Well kid but some villains are far too strong to fight with a quirk so I have to say no.

Past Izuku: *room fades to black again* What this again

What do you want from me

Voice: To share the truth

Past Izuku: About?

Voice: who you actually are


Voice: what memory would you like to reveal today

Past Izuku: In exchange for?

Voice: (ahhh he's coming back I have to tell her highness about this) Can't say right now but I can say that you don't have to give me anything.

Past Izuku: Alright then, well can you show me what happened with me and that girl and why we are separated.

Voice: (sugar snaps she might kill me but I have to keep my word to him so I guess I just have to show him something) Alright, just to let you know this might hurt a bit





Young Izuku: Cmon Akumu let's go play

Young Akumu: Ok ok I'm going

Young Izuku: *grabs her by the hand gently pulls her to the playground*

Young Akumu: What was that for


Young Akumu: Wait.

Crybaby why are they looking at you like that?

Random kid #1: You see those kids over there

Random kid #2: Yeah why

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