I Swear

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AUTHOR- *All Might Voice* I AM HERE! ......Okay I promise I'm not going talk much ! I know I've been gone for over a month heh...hehe (pls don't kill me)I've been updating but I HAD BOTH OF MY STORIES UPDATED BUT WATTPAD *AHEM* COMPLETLEY UPDATED IN THE MIDDLE OF ME WRTING AND DIDN'T SAVE ANYTHING I WROTE!! Not to mention I'm in the middle of moving and college was beating my ASS so it's been kind of hard to write, and I'm also trying to get my stories more known but for the love of everything that's fucking holy I can't seem to promote anyTHING TO SAVE MY FUCKING LIFE!! ..... ahem.. excuse my outburst. Anyway I just wanted to thank those of you guys that actually do read, for reading my story, now enjoy :)))) *very dramatic exit*

*pops head back in* TW: This episode also mentions domestic abuse and some self harm *leaves again*

Author's recommendation: Listen to your favorite sex song/playlist while reading, makes it have full effect ;P (Filthy by boy epic makes me think of Hawks, just gives me his vibes... idk lol)


"Why the hell does he look like a damn burn victim?" Shigaraki asks, "No offense Dabi."

"Asshole." Dabi replies. Hawks immediately starts laughing. I think I even hear a little giggle from Toga.

"Look, you said you needed him alive, not unscathed." I shrug.

"He can't fucking talk Y/N..." Shigaraki starts rubbing his temples.

"I think that's better for everyone else's sake in my opinion. Anyway, the jobs done" I reach my hand out, "My money?" He points on the bar near Kuku. "Pleasure doing business with you." I smile. As I go to leave I hear someone call out to me, when I spin around Toga lunges into me.


"Hey, y- you okay?"

That took me by surprise. I stood there for a second, looking up into the sky. The beautiful blush of dawn mixing with the purple from the midnight sky. It reminded me of my home, my mother and my siblings. I felt my heart get heavy and my mind go dark. No, I was not okay, but I haven't had anyone ask me that for a very long time. It felt as though she stabbed me, my chest began to hurt. She squeezed her hands around my waist and buried her face in my shoulder.

"Why do you ask? Did I seem upset?"

Her body tensed up and she slowly let out a breath. "I was there."


"When you and Keigo, went to get that hero I was there. I heard it."

Suddenly my blood froze, and my heart beat was loud, like it shot up to my head. It was all I heard in my ears. Suddenly as I look around, I'm back in a familiar place. I look around but I see no one but darkness. Then a voice booms behind me, "You pathetic bitch! You'll never leave." My body shakes. I feel a burning sensation on my back, "You'll be nothing more than my ashtray." I look and see cigarette burn scars all over me. Who.. is this..?
I suddenly feel tired and my vision blurry, a face appears in front me. It's a man, his face is blurry, he grabs me by my throat and starts screaming in my face.
"Y/N.. What is all this blood- Y/N!" He grabs my arm and raises it to his face, "Think about what you're doing to me! Think about me, I'm going to be all alone. Do you want to be this selfish and leave me?" He wraps my wrist in some fabric and starts screaming again, this time tears streaming down his face, "Is it me? You'd really kill yourself just to spite me? The only person who loves you.." Then everything goes black. I feel cold. I can't see anything I feel some warmth on my face. It feels so familiar, so familiar that it hurts. I can feel my eyes sting and my hands act on their own, I raise them and feel someone's face. "I love you, peanut, but it's not your time to be with me just yet." Just then, I knew exactly who it was, the tears roll down my face and I can no longer stop them. Mama, I love you... so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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