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Hi guys! I'm back 

Attention : I'm sorry! this story will be slowly update due lack of time and I got some others work to do. I hope you guys can understand that <3

~Time Skip~

*after a few hours Jimin awake and he heard soft snores then he giggles*

Jimin : handsome bunny! Wake up I'm hungry *whisper softly at JK's face*

JK : 5 more minutes baby *pull Jimin more closer to him*

Jimin : I'm hungry *pout*

JK : *open his eyes and stare at Jimin* kiss me first

Jimin : *giggles and give a quick kiss*

JK : *chuckles* what do you want to eat?

Jimin : I don't know too *while sit on the bed*

JK : how about we have some dinner date at the street food?

Jimin : its sound nice *smile eyes appear*

JK : okay.. but can you walk properly?

Jimin : I guess *try to stand up and he fall back on the bed* aww my butt

JK : *laugh hardly*

Jimin : its not funny okay! *roll his eyes*

JK : *laugh again* pity your butt

Jimin : its your fault

JK : you ask for it okay!

Jimin : okay fine

JK : or you want me to order it?

Jimin : no! no! I want to walk around the street

JK : okay.. rest for a few more time after that we will go there

Jimin : okay *rub his tummy* calm down dear, I will feed you later ok?

JK : *throw his body on the bed* its time to continue my sleep

Jimin : seriously?

JK : come on, lay here

Jimin : *nod and giggles*

JK : I love you *kiss Jimin's forehead*

Jimin : I love you more *kiss JK's cheeks*

JK : I want you *kiss Jimin's cheeks*

Jimin : you already owned me babe *peck JK's lips*

JK : *chuckles*

Jimin : can I ask something?

JK : sure.. what is it?

Jimin : I don't mean to bring the past.. but can you tell me why are you change after your parent dead?

JK : why you want to know?

Jimin : because I want to know what burden you have been carry on since that day.. what make you so cold towards other, always get angry

JK : *sigh* because they lied to me

Jimin : what do you mean?

JK : t-they said that they will never leave me alone.. they lied! They leave me.. if they love me they will never leave me.. I hate them! I hate the world, they take my parent away! They are so mean! I ask myself am I a bad son to them? Why they took mommy and daddy.. why me? Why I have to felt the lost? I was alone, I have nobody and I felt scared, I felt the world is so cruel then I become heartless person, I'm being more egoistic, I don't trust people, I hate it when I saw someone have a family, I don't care about others feeling, I become more selfish and I really hate being lied.. that's why I fucking hate it when people lie to me.. it's hurt my heart so much.. I-I just m-miss them so m-much *tear fall down*

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