Tough Love (Lucas)

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You were walking through the corridors in your collage when three girls grabbed your arms and pulled you to the rooftop. Upon reaching, they threw you down causing you to hurt your knees and elbows.

"Listen you bitch, if you don't break up with Lucas, we will continue to bully you alright?" One of the girls said to you.

"It's your decision, to keep getting bullied or to break up with Lucas." Another girl said.

You got up and left as soon as they were gone. You walked into your house with your knees and elbows scrapped horribly.

That wasn't the first time something like this had happened. You started dating Lucas 6 months ago and ever since people found out about this, various groups of girls as well as guys had been bullying you.

They keep threatening you to leave him but you weren't gonna cause you loved each other. Lucas was unaware about all of this but he did notice your wounds that you tried to cover.

You always lied about them by saying stuff like 'I feel down the stairs' or 'I wasn't watching while walking'. At first he bought them but now he knew something was off, though he didn't talk to you about it.

Before you started dating him, you were a quite and unpopular girl so no one noticed you. Half the bullying you faced was because of you suddenly became popular.

Your boyfriend came to the door to welcome you with a hug, only to stop in his tracks seeing your injuries.

"Baby what happened to you?" He asked as he cupped your cheek with one hand while the other was on your shoulder. You were already at the verge of crying and upon seeing him, you broke down.

"Why are you crying? What happened?" You ignored his questions and wrapped your arms around him and cried. You knew you had to answer him at some point, you just didn't want to do it right now. He was also quick to hold you, though very lightly, knowing how much your injuries must be stinging you.

"Hey. It's ok. I'm here now. Don't cry." He consoled You, while rubbing your back. He let you calm down before pulling you to the couch and making you sit while he treated your injuries.

"Are you ready to talk about this?" He asked, looking up at you. You slowly nodded. He sighed before asking. "Who did this to You?"

You decided to blame your abusive parents. They were the reason you were living with Lucas. After dating for 2 months, he got to know that your parents abused you and decided to make you live with him.

"My parents." You said, softly. His jaw clenched and fists balled up, making his knuckles white.

"Where did they see You?" He asked.

"They called me home saying it's an emergency." That's all you had to say. He understood the rest. He was angry but they were your parents, he couldn't do anything even if he wanted to.


You had gone on a trip to the woods from your collage. You went only because Lucas wanted you to, otherwise, you'd be curled up in bed with a book right now. You were a little afraid to go since all the students, even the bullies, were going. But you thought it would be fine since Lucas would be with you.

The journey to the location was fine since you were asleep on Lucas' shoulder for the most part. Upon reaching there, everyone was assigned rooms and Lucas insisted on sharing one with you. 

When everything was settled, Lucas went for a shower and you decided to take a look at what was going on outside and whether anyone needed help. You went out to see people, talking, laughing and some of the boys were preparing a barbeque. 

You were still near the stairs, hence you were out of their view and there was no one around you. This was until you felt a cloth on your face and you blacked out.

You woke up to see everything around you all dark. Your phobia, darkness. You started panicking almost immediately. You were sweating, crying and unable to breath properly. You tried getting up and banging on the door, which you could see, but you were too scared to get up. All you could do was sit and whimper and pray for someone to find you.

Lucas, meanwhile, had just come out of the shower and was surprised to not see you there. He thought maybe you were outside and got dressed. Upon going out, he didn't find you anywhere, he was starting to get worried. 

You, on the other hand, had already passed out.

Since Lucas was not able to find you anywhere, he asked his friends to help him. Everyone was looking for you, except the few girls who put you in that room. Lucas went to the other end of the house to find many storage rooms. He opened each of them but one was locked. 

He, with his friends' help, managed to break the door open just to find you there, pale and passed out. Lucas was angry as well as worried. He knew about your phobia. He also knew that someone had locked you there and he had to find out who.  

He picked you up and carried you to your room. After laying you down, he left the room and went to the living room where the other were. He didn't say a word and just looked at their faces, angrily.

"Lucas, how is she?" One of his friends asked. 

"She should be fine. If she isn't, whoever locked her there will be in deep trouble." Lucas said, glaring at all of them. 

Just then, Lucas was informed how you had been locked up by three girls. He made them spend the night in the room you had passed out in.

He then went to your room, to find you waking up. He helped you sit up before hugging you.

"Are you okay?" He asked, in the hug.

"Yes. I'm okay. Thank you for saving me." You replied. He broke the hug and held your hand. 

"Why did you lie?" He asked. You didn't understand what he was talking about. "About all the injuries. I know the students did this to you." 

You looked down, feeling guilty. "They bullied me so that I would leave you. If I told you, you would have left me long back, since you wouldn't be able to see me in pain and I couldn't let that happen." 

He looked at you with shocked eyes while you gave him a small smile. He gave you a kiss on the forehead before speaking.

"It must be tough loving me no?" You gave him another smile before kissing him on the lips.

"It is. But I don't mind cause I love you." 

That's it for this ep

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