Pain (Yoongi)(Requested)

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You groaned as you felt pain in your stomach. You knew you were getting your period which you dreaded. You always got really sick and had bad cramps. You dreaded these five days every month.

You stood up from bed to get ready for the day. You went to the washroom and took a nice warm bath. Once you were ready, you went to the kitchen to get some breakfast and realized Yoongi, your boyfriend wasn't there. 

You were pretty sure he had already left for the studio early in the morning. You decided to eat cereal since you didn't have the energy to cook anything else. 

Luckily, it was your day off so you could relax at home. What made you sad was that Yoongi wasn't there to cuddle with you. 

For the past few days, he had been very distant and quite ignorant. He'd spend most of his time at the studio and barely talk to you. You knew he was under a lot of pressure so you didn't mind but you would like it if he asked how you were once in a while.

When night came, your condition worsened. You were pale and running a fever. Your stomach ached terribly and you were nauseous. 

You were curled up in bed when you heard the house door open late at night. You didn't bother to move or speak, worried it might make you sick.

You knew it was Yoongi and he was anyways going to his home studio to finish work. You just groaned and snuggled in your blanket. 

A few hours later, you woke up to hear the T.V. You had no time to be bothered by it as you felt a weird sensation in your stomach and you rushed to the washroom, all the way across the house. You passed Yoongi, worrying him as to what had happened to you.

As you got sick in the washroom, his worry visibly increased as he rubbed your back. 

Once you were done, you rested your head on his shoulder and wiped your face. Yoongi flushed the toilet before rubbing your arm to soothe you.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked, gently kissing your forehead. You took a few deep breathes before replying.

"It's just my period." He knew how bad your condition would get when you had your period and he felt really bad for not noticing before.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, tucking your hair behind your ear.

"You were busy." You replied with a small smile.

"Sweetheart, I'm never too busy for you. If you're not feeling good, you have to tell me." He said, helping you get up and brush. 

He then helped you to your bed and made sure you had everything you needed. Extra blankets, a glass of water and some meds.

He got a wet towel and placed it on your forehead to treat the fever. 

He was back to the loving and caring boyfriend he was and you couldn't be happier.

@Zexalgirl52 I'm sorry if this isn't what you expected.

Hope y'all like it!

Don't forget to vote!

Saranghe! <333 

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