~ chapter 1 ~ finnaly reunited again

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I turned off the water, and stepped out of the shower

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I turned off the water, and stepped out of the shower. I was done with the shower but I also needed air. It was getting very foggy in there.

I was home alone today in my Atlanta apartment, Lily was in UK with her kids. But I enjoyed some self quality time. Lately I've felt like we grew apart she's not the Lily I know. She has changed a lot lately - not in the best way possible...

She's just been acting very differently and doesn't want to sleep in the same bed as me. That's not normal, is it? Does she think I'm disgusting or what is she thinking?

I can't wait to meet all of my coworkers tomorrow on set. Stranger Things 4 shooting is officially gonna start tomorrow, and I'm very excited. But most of all I'm very excited to work with Winona again.

I haven't seen her in this lockdown. I miss her she's my best friend. But I'm very glad because we texted a lot. Or we still do.

I was drying my hair and  then I took my clothes on. The time was almost 9:00 pm and I haven't  had anything to eat yet. I went to the kitchen and started to make a sandwich with some of the leftovers I had in my fridge.

But then I got a message and it was from Winona. My heartbeat skipped.

[9.06 PM]
Hi David. It's been awhile. I've missed you in this lockdown. I can't wait to work with you again tomorrow. How are you?😍

What do I answer? Wait, that emoji.. That emoji was probably a mistake, I mean she wouldn't send me that.. or what if I wasn't a mistake...

Do I send her one back? David, think. I'm not gonna send her that emoji back because I think it probably was a mistake. But it could've been nice if she really meant it though. But what does that emoji mean?

[9.09 PM]
Hi Winona! Yeah it's been awhile and I've missed you too. I'm looking very forward for tomorrow. I'm good thanks for asking. How are you? :)

She answered me after a couple of minutes. I had already finished eating my sandwich. So I took my phone and went and sat down on my couch.

[9.16 PM]
I'm also good & thanks for asking. I can't wait to have many chats on set.What are you doing right now? 😍

I don't think it was a mistake.. I mean she sent it again. The heart eyes emoji.. I feel like Winona can just make anyone's day better in one second.

You just need to look at her. I mean she's so beautiful. "David, shut up". Get real. Why am I talking to myself. I'm so stupid.

[9.19 PM]
Yes our conversations are always nice. I'm not really doing anything right now, what about you? 😍

It took a lot of nerves to send her that emoji. And soon I had to face her in real life. Not because it's bad, just because I just really like her.. as a friend of course.. or maybe more..

I remember Millie once teased me and whispered something like "David. You always kind of have heart eyes when you look at Winona. Just saying." Millie wasn't wrong I thought to myself.

[9.21 PM]
Not much either. I'm home alone so that's nice. See you tomorrow. Night. Xo Noni 😍

I just replied with the heart eyes emoji and walked happily to my dresser. I picked some clothes for tomorrow and went happy to bed.


David replied with the heart eye emoji. He was a very nice guy. I'm glad he's my friend. I can't wait to see him tomorrow it's been very boring with only Scott in this lockdown.

I'm laying in my bed and I just turned off my phone. What does the heart eyes emoji actually mean? What is David thinking about right now? Wait- why do I wanna know?

I always have a hard time falling asleep because there's so many thoughts going through my mind. I eventually fell asleep.

It was 6:00 am and Scott is still not home. I'm actually not worried because I feel like I can relax more without Scott around.

He's probably just at some bar drinking vodka or something. I'm only worried when he decides to go home. Because you never know what he's gonna do or say to you when he's drunk.

I was excited for today at work.  I was a little tired but I forgot that because I'm very excited for today. I already planned my outfit in my head.

I went to my walk-in closet and picked out a nice black outfit for today. We were supposed to be at set 8:30 am today so that's pretty cool. Then I had around a half hour more of sleep. I went to my shower and turned on the hot water.


I had just put on my clothes. I picked a basic white t-shirt with a little logo on my left. I took some denim pants and some random socks. I sat my hair so it sat there on my head perfectly. I sprayed on a perfume that Winona once  told me she liked.

She is so nice. She complimented everything and everyone, even me. She's just so nice to everybody. Once she drove to set 3 hours before she had any scenes, just so she could guide and help Noah on how to do a scene.

And luckily I was there so we spent pretty much the entire day together. That was very nice, I think we both enjoyed it. I made myself breakfast and then I was ready for the day.

I was driving to work it only took like 15 minutes for me. I think it takes Winona 20 or 25 minutes from her house to set. I was pretty early but that was because I hoped that Winona was there. I know this is stupid she probably won't be there before 8:30.


I drove to work and I was a bit early but that was kind of my intention. I was hoping I maybe could get to chat with David before shootings. Our conversations are always the best.

He is a really caring guy, so I think I'm gonna tell him about Scott and the many bar visits. I was wearing perfume just in case we would hug or something .. not because I really wanted a hug from David.. just because I love hugs.. nothing more..

David was just stepping out of his fancy car when I entered the parking lot. He saw me enter the parking lot and smiled. I smiled and winked back. His smile is just so nice.

I parked my car next to him. Just like we always do or did. Like we always did before lockdown. I just took my keys and I didn't even notice David walking to my door.

He opened my door just like a true gentleman. Oh my gosh he was so nice. I gave him a big smile and said "thank you so much, David. How are you?" "I'm good thanks, how are you?" "I'm good or at least now I am." just came out of my mouth.

I realized how weird that must have sounded. Oh no. Shit. What did I do? "Am I supposed to take that as a compliment?" he asked me and smiled. "Yes!" I yelled and smiled I earned a smile back.

I put my short arms around his very nice and big body and hugged David, because it's really been awhile and because we are colleagues and very good friends. He hugged me back and we're just standing there and hugging each other.

Next chapter is coming soon. Please comment and follow me and I'll be very happy. I hope you liked it. 🦋💫🤍 Xoxo winonarydertea

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