~ chapter 4 pt 2 ~ a hurting heart

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"I can't believe you, Winona! You're such a fucking slut!" Another slap. Tears streamed down my face. He kept slapping me. I wish I could just die or disappear, then all the pain and bad feelings would go away. I wish I could just run, run, and never stop. I wish I could run to David's apartment but he's probably with Lily right now.

"Scott. Stop it! Please, stop! You're hurting me. I beg you!" I cried. He didn't stop just yet. I couldn't move, his body was too heavy and big, I couldn't get away. I was forced up against the wall all while being punched and beat up.  I was bleeding several areas on my body. He was really hurting me. This is just one out of many times.

Then he said "I don't want you to be around David, if it's not work related." He let go of me and pushed me hard against the wall, so I was about to go through the wallpaper. He was about to leave the room when he said "no one can know about this, okay? Or else something bad will happen, as I've told you before, you fucking bitch".

Then he left me in the room crying and sobbing.
I just had to process what just happened. Well, it's not like it's the first time. It's just never nice, I'm so scared. What do I do? I can't just run away?


I threw the rest of my food in the trash bag. Then I took my phone and went to sit on my couch. Then my phone was ringing. It said "Lily Allen is calling" I  wish it was "Winona 💕" calling instead of Lily, but that was just in my dreams.

I answered with "Hello?" "Hi, David... I think.. I really think we should talk." "Yeah, I think so too."
"What.. do you want to talk about, David?" "Well, I don't think this is gonna work, Lily. You clearly doesn't love me, and you don't treat me like a breathing living human with a brain. I'm breaking up with you, stay in UK."

Silence. "Well, you son of a bitch, David. I don't even wanna look at your face ever again." Then she hang up. I just needed a second to process what had just happened. Now I'm single. Then all of my problems I had, were gone.

Now I have to focus on helping Winona. Because she clearly has a lot of problems. Or that's what I think. She's been acting so weird lately, and I'm very worried about her. Even though it's only been hours since I last talked with her, I really miss her. And with everything I think is going on with Scott, makes it all worse. I mean, if I have to, I'll go beat Scott if he's hurting her. Yes really want to punch him in the face...


Tears streaming down my face. This was supposed to be my perfect life with my perfect boyfriend in our perfect home. Wrong. I wouldn't even call it home. Here I am, in the closet, hiding from the man I thought I loved. Also wrong. I don't love him. I don't love Scott. I never did, I was being forced.

I can hear thunderous footsteps from downstairs. I can clearly hear the pounding as he stomps from stair to stair. Every step, he would me closer to me. I heard a crash from the room next door. He's close. I try not to breathe. I can't even believe I ended up in this situation again. This time it's worse. He just got mad and was threatening me, so I had to hide. In a closet. That was the only thing I could think of.

Damn it. My phone was downstairs. So I couldn't call David or the police or something. I was thinking about the options that I have or didn't have. What's my next move? Or what's his next move? Is he gonna kill me?

The closet door suddenly opens and I scream in terror. Tears streaming down my face. He grabs my small figure and throws me over his shoulder. I'm still screaming and trying to break free as he carries me downstairs. He went to our guest bedroom and locked the door. The room was dark. Empty with only a bed. It wasn't like this before, he had it changed. For me? Or to do something with me in there?

He throws me on the bed. I'm sure I look miserable. "You little slut!" He spits at me and slaps me across the cheek. Again. Then he's laying on top of me. I froze. Now I was frightened. Is he gonna rape me?Then he gave me a creepy smile. "I love you, babe." He said and pepper kissed my neck.

"Scott! I don't love you! Get off of me! Stop it right now! I don't want anything to do with you! Fuck off!" Then he looked me in the eyes and punched me in the face. Also causing my nose bleeding. Then he kissed me, he didn't earn anything back. I tried to move my face so he couldn't kiss me. "We're gonna haha lot of fun tonight, huh?" I just whispered"NO."

He grabbed my face and forced kissed me. I was crying but he didn't care at all. I don't know what to do. Then I took the opportunity to kick him, right where it hurts the most. "YOU bitch, Winona! That hurt!" He yelled and grabbed my arm. I tried to unlock the door but I didn't have the keys.

"You're not going anywhere, before the two is us have had a little fun." He smirked. "I'm NOT gonna have s-sex with you!" I yelled and I meant it. He started slapping me again.

*doorbell ringing* he stopped, and looked at me. Then he took his finger in front of his mouth "sssh."
He unlocked the door and closed it again. He didn't lock it. I carefully and silently opened the door and walked out of the door as carefully as possible.

He couldn't notice me! What would he do? Then he would probably hurt me even more. I'm frightened and terrified and my whole body is shaking. He could possibly kill me.

Then it hit me. Who was at the door? Should I stay or should I go? What will happen if I stay? Or where should I go, if I chose not to stay? I don't want to look Scott in the face one more time.

Then I heard a female voice that sounded familiar. That was Mrs. Clarkson, our neighbor. "Hey, Scott. You look all sweaty? Are you okay? Where's miss Ryder? I just came here to check if everything was okay, because it sounded like there was happening some sort of crime scene here...!" She said and laughed.

Scott nervously laughed too. I carefully ran to the nearest backyard door. Locked. Fuck! Scott is a psychopath. Did he already think about it? Where's my phone? Winona, think. THINK. Where would he leave it? I looked around.

I walked into the kitchen. There it was. I quickly grabbed my phone and desperately unlocked it. I clicked on the symbol "David💓". Should I cal him? What if he doesn't have time? Maybe he's with Lily. I don't want to interrupt anything.


I'm so bored. I'm literally doing nothing. I've been staring at the icon "Winona💕" on my phone in case she would call or something. Then of course, I would be there for her. If she needed me.

Then suddenly I see the icon with the three dots. That means she's typing. That also meant she's online. She's here. My heart beat beats faster. What is she gonna text? Is it my Noni or Scott typing?

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