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George's intro: George moved to Florida when he was only 2 months old. He was always homeschool due to his anxiety and his shyness. He was very smart. He was higher level then a lot of people who went to public school. He only ever had one friend and that was Karl. George and Karl met at a playground and their parents both go along so they grew up together having sleepovers at least one a week. George is Gay

Dream/Clay's Intro: Dream was born in Florida. His parents never really treated him well. They would always scream at him and ground him for the dumbest things. He has always gone to public school since his parents never had time for him. he has to take the bus to school till he gets his license. Dream was a jock he was the best QB (quarterback) his school has ever seen. That's how he got his nickname Dream cause he was a dream to play with. His number every year was 7. Thats how old he was when he first discovered how to play football. He was a chick magnet. All the girls wanted to date him. Dream is Bi. Dream's best friend is Alex aka Quackity.

My Intro: Hi! I'm Randi. This is my first time ever writing a fanfic. I only recently started watching mytc . So please don't be rude if I mess up. I'm 15 and I play football , volleyball ,softball, basketball, soccer and track plus I train horses and barrel race. So i wont be able to update as much as I hope to but I will update whenever I get the chance. I'm female. I'm Bi/ questioning.

Fanart is not mine I found it online. This is a highschool AU. I plan to make this series long. If you don't like this ship then don't read. If you fell like you have to say something negative leave, unless we getting mad at Dream's parents (in my au). If you have questions about me or this AU feel free to ask. 

My socials: Personal insta is Itzzzz_Randi
Secondary insta is randithingzzz
Old youtube (that I no longer use but hope to use it again soon)is MHATextingStories
New youtube: ThatLonelyGamerGirl
Twitch: ThatLonelyGamerGirl
Roblox: RandiReacts

PS: I'm trying to get minecraft for my pc but I don't have enough storage but when I get minecraft I will tell ya'll my gamertag.

I don't have discord. 

Also I can be mean if someone is being rude. I have went off on someone for making fun of my Bi friend even though he was gay so you best believe I got talked to the next day by the principal and almost suspended. And the guy did not come back to school the next day. So since there is no principal I won't hesitate to  ✨Go Off✨ So if I see one person bullying or if ya'll have someone being rude or disrespectful tell me and I will go off cause ya'll my children now.

Total amount of words: 523

Don't forget to drink water, get a snack and get a lil bit of sleep.

Love ya'll-

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