~Chapter One: Central Quartre~

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With a hum, a fair maiden walked exited the room she once slept in, quickly changing to start a full day of work. treading lightly, she walked past her daughter's room, checking to see if she was awake, which she wasn't even in her room- that caused the woman to worry. with furrowed brows, she headed to her newborn baby's room, whom she found sleeping soundly in his crib, but where was her daughter?

Rather quickly, she skidded downstairs to the shop her and her partner owned, as they had for around five years, making the quaint coffee shop when they had married. With a sigh, she saw the young girl putting flowers into a vase, delicately putting that onto one of the tables.

"There you are my little Flower, I've been looking for you," the woman spoke softly, her dark blue hair, which hung in ringlest, bounced as she walked over to her child, gently scooping her up.

Softly, the child giggled, "I went out with Daddy/Mommy/Nopa to get some flowers for the shop! I thought it would be pretty!" she exclaimed, smiling up at her mother.

With a sigh, she gently put the child down, "I don't want you going out there, not now with the palace guards." she muttered, hoping her lover would come home soon, as she didn't sense them in the building they owned.

Over the past few years, Royal guards had been scowering the city for suitors, and for the runaway Princess, nearly giving up, and instead searching for someone who looked similar to the girl to take her place, along with anyone who possessed magic abilities, seeing as they were at war with the other kingdoms.

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