The Airport

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I finally arrived at the airport. I thanked my mom for driving me, got my luggage, and went inside.

"Bye, son!" she shouted back to me, "I'll be sure to send you letters!"

I was excited. I would finally be on my own. I wouldn't have to deal with college stress; I could do whatever I want, whenever I want; and I could be free to express myself without being mocked for it. That was the one bad thing about living in that small town. Everyone remembers everyone, and no one forgets. No matter how much I changed in college, people still saw me as the same "quiet kid" from middle school and high school.

I was nervous, too; I'm an adult now. There's no Sesame Street for adults. Big Bird won't be there to hold my hand. For the most part, I will be on my own. Chances are: I may never find my purpose in life. Will I ever be happy?

I can't dwell on those thoughts; I should stay positive! It's a new me! I looked at my ticket. "Nook Inc Deserted Island Getaway Package." It just showed up in the mail one day. Part of me says it's a scam, or maybe it's a rabbit hole. I honestly don't know for sure, but hey: a free plane ticket is a free plane ticket. I walked up to the counter, and two raccoons greeted me. Wait, raccoons?

"Good afternoon! We're so excited to have you here! ...have you here."

... They talk. Maybe I need some coffee. It's not the first time I've hallucinated at the airport...

"Let us be the first to congratulate you on your wise decision to sign up for this adventure. Welcome... to the check-in counter for your Deserted Island Getaway Package!"

"Okay," I said, interrupting them, "First of all: why are you raccoons? And second: I did not "sign-up" for anything. I just got this ticket in the mail."

"Well, sir," the first one said, "We are, in fact, raccoons. We were just born this way, I guess. And even though you didn't sign up for this package, you should still be excited! There is so much to look forward to! But first, let us introduce ourselves. I'm Timmy, with Nook Inc!"

"And I'm Tommy!" the second one said.

"We'll be flying to the island with you to help you get settled," Timmy said, "Think of us as your partners. We're in it for the long haul! So, let's get started, shall we?"

Are they flying with me? Let's hope on separate planes...

"Now then," Timmy said, "we'll need to look up your application. Can we have your name and birthday? ...birthday?"

"My name is Thomas," I told them, along with my birthday.

"Thomas... Thomas... Let's see..." Timmy said as he typed away on the computer, "Oh, yes, there you are!"

How does he have me on record, even though we just met? I hope that's the computer that the passenger service agents use and not his personal computer...

"Our next step will be to take a picture of you, Thomas," Timmy explained, "Oh, don't worry! Take as much time as you need to get yourself looking just the way you want. We'll be ready when you are! are!"

I walked in front of the camera and sat on the stool. I hope my hair looks good. I'm not the best when it comes to hair. Speaking of hair: I'm glad I didn't dye my hair white in a 2000s induced frenzy! Otherwise, Sephiroth would be descending to battle. I hope he doesn't ask me to smile. Doesn't he know about my perpetual frown?

"Say 'fuzzy pickles'!" Tommy shouted excitedly.

He asked me to smile... Well, he took my picture. I hope I don't look like a serial killer. "It will always bring back the fondest of memories," they said...

"Great! You're all set! ...all set!" Timmy congratulated, "I'll just go ahead and add that picture to your records. And now ...let's start talking about your new home. So exciting! ...exciting! You see, we're quite proud of the work we've done to help you feel comfortable in your new life. Oh yes! In fact... if you want, you can even experience the seasons the same way you're used to them. What I mean is... we have islands in both the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. We recommend choosing an island that has the same seasonal pattern as your current home! ...current home! Naturally, since we're in Canada, we'd recommend that you relocate to an island in the northern hemisphere. There are a few more decisions to make, but does that sound OK to you so far? far?"

Oh great, once again, I'm going to experience Canada's four seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter, and roadwork. Isn't the point of a vacation to escape from the cold? But, then again, this isn't a "vacation." It's the start of a new life. I am proud to be from Canada, too.

"I'll go with the northern hemisphere," I said.

"Very good!" said Timmy, "we have a number of lovely uninhabited islands in the northern hemisphere to choose from. Now then... all of our islands are approximately the same size, and they're all quite natural. So, don't worry about whether you'll have enough space or comfort. You can't go wrong! Just follow your instincts and choose an island with a layout that looks appealing. That's how I'd do it!"

None of them looked appealing to me, so I just pointed at a random one and said: "I'll choose that one."

"Wonderful choice! ...choice!" Timmy said, unaware that it wasn't a choice, "I can't wait to show it off to you! Ah, but before we depart, I have just one final question for you..."

I hope it's quick. Maybe I'll be able to get some Booster Juice before I leave.

"If you could only bring one thing with you to a deserted island," he asked, "what would it be?"

Oh no, a pop quiz! If only I could cheat on what appears to be a psychological evaluation! Think, Thomas! I want to say "food," so I won't starve to death if there's no food on the island, but what if this is a trick question? What they pull a Survivor on me? What if I'm competing against others on a deserted island, and that's the one thing that they don't give me? Where are the hidden cameras? Oh no, a line is forming behind me! Just blurt it out!

"Food!" I shouted nervously. Timmy and Tommy jumped back a bit. I don't think that they expected me to have an outburst like that. I can only imagine what the people behind me are thinking...

"How interesting..." Timmy said, silently judging me. "Oh! I'm sorry, that was just a hypothetical question. Nook Inc will fully cover all of your basic needs! Yes, yes!"

Well, I hope they have aspirin! And maybe some extra pants...

A voice on the intercom said: "Your attention, please. This is a service announcement. The chartered flight for Nook Inc's Deserted Island Getaway Package is ready for boarding. Any customers waiting to board should make their way to the gate at this time."

So much for Booster Juice...

"Ah, perfect timing!" Timmy said, "Come on! Let's all board the plane together! ...together!"

Aren't they supposed to be working here? I sighed, walked to the gate, and boarded the plane.

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