The First Day

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The plane landed, and we all got off except Rover. He told me that he was "busy" and that he would be back in May, whatever that means. So what does he do when he's not travelling? I guess I'll never know.

"We're here!" Timmy said, "Now, I know you must be incredibly excited to explore your new island home, but I have one small request. Would you please join us for a short orientation session in the nearby plaza? Our fearless leader himself will be giving a presentation, so I'd hate for you to miss it."

Timmy and Tommy started walking towards the plaza. The rest of us stayed behind.

"Fearless leader?" Sheldon asked nervously, "They don't mean 'Tom Nook,' do they? I heard that he's an iron-fisted savvy mercantilist and a slum lord, cardio!"

"You've been watching too many movies," Canberra said to Sheldon, "he just gave us a private island for free, nuh uh!"

We walked up to the plaza where we saw Tom Nook, Timmy, and Tommy.

"Alright," Timmy started, "is that everyone? Let's see... Is Canberra here?"

"Here, nuh uh!" she said.

"And how about Sheldon?" Timmy asked.

"Here, cardio!" he responded.

"And there's Thomas, of course!", Timmy said looking at me.

I breathed a sigh of relief as he skipped over me. Now, they wouldn't have brought all attention towards me, and I wouldn't have to introduce myself.

"Great!" Timmy said, "We're all here. I'll turn it over to you, Mr. Nook. Our three adventurers are ready to get started!"

Tom Nook stepped up to the microphone and introduced himself.

"Yes, yes!" he started, "Very good! Let's see, how shall I begin... Yes, of course. Welcome, everyone! Welcome to your new island. My name is Tom Nook, and I'm the founder of and president of Nook Inc. Yes, yes! Today is the first day of your new life on this pristine, lovely island. So, congratulations! And this is a package deal, hm? As such, Nook Inc's staff will always be here to support you and ensure your comfort and safety. But... first thing's first. Yes, yes! I'd like each of you to choose a spot of your own. It's your first step to putting down some real roots! I'd like you to dream big — I do have certain connections in construction and real estate, and... Ah, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's just get started with a simple tent, shall we? Please collect your tent from Timmy or Tommy and then choose a spot to place it."

It's summer camp all over again... I picked up my tent. It was just a standard yellow tent. I'm more of a "trailer" kind of guy, but at least I have a roof over my head. I put my tent relatively close to the resident services tent, near the river and some trees. Then, I headed back to Tom Nook to see what's next.

"Welcome back, everyone!" Tom Nook said, "I hope you all found just the right spots to set up your new homes. Of course, you can sleep on it for a while, hm? Really get a feel for how it suits you. And with that taken care of, we can move onto more serious business... Like throwing an island-warming party! We'll have it right here in the plaza with a roaring campfire. We'll just need a few supplies to get started, yes? Since we'll all be living here together... this will be a good feat of teamwork! Timmy, Tommy, Canberra, and Sheldon can set up things here in the plaza. Meanwhile, Thomas and I will work on gathering firewood and perhaps a little snack! Thomas, would you come see me for a moment?"

I walked up to Tom Nook while everyone else started discussing ideas in the plaza.

"Ah, Thomas," Tom Nook started, "I just wanted to go over what we'll need for the campfire. Tree branches should do the trick. Why don't you go get some? Meanwhile, I'll investigate the pear-like substances growing in the trees. I suspect they're real pears!"

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