Chapter 2

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Mitsuki and (Y/n) walked into the coffee shop that was open 24 hours only on week days. one of (Y/n)'s favorite coffee shops. "This place is cute" Mitsuki said as they walked up to the cashier. He admired the small plants and the set up of the shop.

(Y/n), however, was eye balling the pastries behind the glass. Mitsuki looked at her to see this and smirked. "... Someone has a sweet tooth~" He teased. (Y/n) slightly jumped and looked at him with a flushed face. He thought it was adorable.

"N-No! I-I just... Think they are... Uh... C-Cute?" (Y/n) mumbled looking down at her feet.

"I can buy one for you if you want~" Mitsuki offered.

"N-No, thats okay!!" (Y/n) said waving her hands in the air.

"What a cute couple you both are~" (Y/n) heard a familiar voice. They both looked at the cashier as (Y/n) face got even redder.

"A-Akira!!" (Y/n) shouted. Akira smirked at (Y/n). "Looks like you finally got yourself a boyfriend~... Little miss shortcake~"

"Boyfriend~... I like the sound of that~" Mitsuki said.

"I-It's nothing like that!!" (Y/n) shouted. "Don't encourage her, Mitsuki!"

Akira giggled. "The normal right?" Akira asked.

"Yes" (Y/n) mumbled. "A... And that~" (Y/n) pointed to the glass window at a strawberry crumpet. Mitsuki smirked seeing how she was trying to deny her love for sweets. He found it adorable.

"What about you?" Akira looked at Mitsuki.

"A black coffee please" He said. 

"That will be... 15" Akira said.

"Here you go" (Y/n) said handing her a 20.

"Oh, I can pay for myself" Mitsuki said.

"It's fine. After all, i am dragging you around~" (Y/n) said as Akira handed her five bucks.

"Are you still researching that?" Akira said. "You know that can put you in danger. You don;t know what happened and you don't know what caused it. If it were bad people and you found out too much they will come after you! It has happened before (Y/n)" Akira started to make the coffee's.

"Yeah, well~" (Y/n) mumbled. "My curiosity gets the better of me~... Plus... This might be a new discovery in all!! No one knows what happened and i want to provide that knowledge. What happened that night is going to go down in history whether we learn what caused it or not. And it's better for the history books to actually have information in it. I don't care how much trouble it gets me into. I have been through it once. I'm sure I can go through it again"

"You are going to wish you listened to be, dear~" Akira said handing them both their drinks and she grabbed the strawberry crumpet.

"No I wont~" (Y/n) said. "Thanks~" Mitsuki and (Y/n) walked out as (Y/n) took a bite of her snack. 

"So you still aren't backing out of the research?" Mitsuki said.

"No, why would I?" (Y/n) mumbled as they stopped at another bus stop.

"Because your friend is right. It's dangerous to get involved" He said. (Y/n) looked at him.

"... You know something no one else does... Do you?" (Y/n) said more seriously. He looked at her a little surprised. "I'm a reporter. I interview people. I'm good at manipulating people to tell me what I want to know. I'm good at pressuring someone. And I'm good at knowing when someone is lying. I have to be to know the real truth behind something when interviewing someone, Mitsuki"

"Let's say that I do~... What will you do?" He asked.

"... I wont stop bothering you till you tell me what I want to know" (Y/n) said.

"Well, I don't~" Mitsuki said. "Sorry if I miss guided you~"

He knows something... Better to keep him around until I know what (Y/n) thought. "It's fine~... Being a reporter you have to assume everyone knows at least something~" (Y/n) giggled as the bus stopped in front of them and they got on.

Soon they made it to the building. They walked in and started to walk all the way to the top. But stairs weren't there to lead to the top of the building. (Y/n) hummed as she opened a window and stuck half her body out of it. "Hey! Careful!" Mitsuki said quickly holding onto her waist in order to make sure she didn't fall out.

(Y/n) wrote in her notepad. Mitsuki didn't mind being in this position, he would love to have stayed in that position, but she moved out of the window and closed it. "How would people get on the top of the building... When there aren't stairs~? Climb? Fly?" (Y/n) mumbled to herself. "... Maybe the wings would explain it for that person~... But what would they be doing up there? The flashing light and screaming... To hurt someone maybe? Maybe they wanted something from someone~? But why bring them to the top of a building to get it? Why not just steal it? Or... Is it something not that easy to obtain~? SO many questions~..."

I'm surprised she was able to guess it that fast... Or is it just her luck~? Mitsuki thought. "And the moon... Why would the moon get closer? Did they need the moon~?" (Y/n) sighs in frustration. "I'm about to chuck myself off this building~... This is so annoying. Without no one to interview, it's hopeless figuring out anything~.. Mitsuki are you sure you know nothing~?" (Y/n) whined turning to Mitsuki.

"Sorry" Mitsuki smiled at her. "Maybe actually getting on the rooftop will help you though"

"But hooooow~?" (Y/n) whined. "It's impossible for a normal human to get there without a ladder or crane~... Normal human... Normal human!! They weren't normal!! They probably weren't even human!! Mitsuki you are a genius!!" (Y/n) said quickly writing the notepad 'Not human??' in big letters and underlined it.

"I could kiss you! You were so much help Mitsuki!" (Y/n) giggled smiling at him.

"I mean, I don't mind if you do~" He said "So where next~?"

"Well~... I found this outside of the building a day after the event" (Y/n) held up feather from Mitsukis wings. "Perfectly white and I even had a ornithologist look at this feather and told me it doesn't come from a bird. But he said it was in fact real" Mitsuki slightly tensed up. The only reason she showed him to see if she would get a reaction from him.

Either, he tenses up, meaning he knows something, he stares at it, meaning he is curious, or he does nothing, which she was hoping he wouldn't and he didn't. She just wanted to confirm that Mitsuki knew something. "... That's interesting" Mitsuki said almost immediately calming down.

"Well, I'll go home now~" (Y/n) mumbled putting it back in her pocket as she wrote one last thing down in her notepad. 'Mitsuki??' She circled his name and put her notepad away as well. "You were a lot of help Mitsuki. I have more leads now" (Y/n) said as she pulled out a card and handed it to Mitsuki. "Here is my phone number. I hope we can stay in touch. Even be friends~"

"Of course!" He said taking the care. "And if you ever need company, just give me a call"

"Thanks~" (Y/n) giggled. "Well, I'll be on my way now"

"I'll take you home" Mitsuki said.

"I'll be fine on my own. Thanks" (Y/n) quickly ran off. "I finally have a lead! I did it!!" (Y/n) jumped up and down. She was so happy she was finally getting somewhere. She quickly went back home and started to dig even deeper into the winged figure, and looked at what everyone was thinking. For the rest of the night, she stayed up just doing research.

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