shanties of the sea

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S: okay so in this AU there is no such thing as grimm or huntsman or aura and the buildings look more modern

R: what do you mean by modern

E:N3-N3vEr m!nd-nd let's just start this damn thing

Sots!Jaune:JESUS! *Nearly falls on his ass* worn a guy next time you fucking teleport him into a theater and while you're at it bring the boys over too

RW(B)Y: you have children!

B:*sigh* idiots...

Sots!Jaune: what no although ren is married to nora

Nora:*blushing like a mad woman*

Sots!Jaune: without further ado *snaps fingers*

(Out of nowhere Sun Neptune and ren arrived out of nowhere)


Sots!Jaune: you lot ok

Sots!Neptune: do we look okay!?


sots!Jaune: fine jeez let's go boys you know what to do

(Set feet row) X12

John Paul Jones is a pirate no loyalty does he possess, keep it up we'll catch the pirate and sink him along with the rest Oh

(Set feet row) X4

Born the son of a Scott he was born the son of a Scott's but cut a man down in his prime he did so a way to Virginia he got, Oh

John Paul Jones is a pirate no loyalty does he possess keep it up we'll catch the pirate and sink him along with the rest Ho

(Set feet row) X4

Raise the flag of the Yanks he did raise the flag of the Yanks they held him as a hero they did and hoisted h im up through the ranks Oh

John Paul Jones is a pirate no loyalty does he possess keep it up we'll catch the pirate and sink him along with the rest Ho

(Set feet row) X4

Sales at the head of the French he did sailed at the head of the French but they swindled him out of his cash they did so away with them all ridden wretch Oh

John Paul Jones is a pirate no loyalty does he possess keep it up we'll catch the pirate and sink him along with the rest Ho

(Set feet row) X7

Now it's kicking up storms in the Blacks Sea he is kicking up storms and the Black Sea fighting the tax for the Russian Queen cuz she pays him much more than the Yankee Oh

John Paul Jones is a pirate no loyalty does he possess keep it up we'll catch the pirate and sink him along with the rest Ho

John Paul Jones is a pirate he may be just a Chancellor at best keep it up we'll catch the pirate and sent him along with the rest HO!


(Teams R(w)by and Jnpr applauded)

J:Damn you guys were awesome

W: please more like terrible

J:*sick of wiess's shit*no wiess what your family does to the faunnes is terrible what your kingdom does to they're faunnes is terrible, what they did was awesome

W:*tries to defend herself*

E: can it snow-skank

W:*looks at her teammates* aren't you guys going to defend me!?

Rby: and why should we exactly what Jaune said was true

Yay I managed to get something out I apologize for the long wait school is a bitch and so is laziness anywho don't expect a very tight posting schedule thank you for reading and have a good day

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