don't be a stranger

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the dupain-cheng bakery
marinette + adrien
ladybug + chat noir

marinette had been crying for two days, so her eyes had grown temporary purple bags and red flushes clouded her cheeks.

she sighed raking her fingers through her knotty blue hair, her natural wavy curls causing her hands to get stuck as she reefed them through.

her phone buzzed three times, making it the tenth buzz in the last fifteen minutes. exhaling a shaky breath, her head dropped onto her vanity as she ignored the phone.

when chat noir and ladybug had gotten into a particularly tricky akuma situation it ended in them revealing their identity's to each other. the shock of it being her best friend and long time crush was too much for marinette to bare. so she ran off, despite adriens calls.

and two days later; he's still calling.

"marinette," tikki zoomed over to her, perching herself onto her shoulder. "it's okay to feel upset and confused and angry and worried, but you cant ignore adrien forever."

"yes i can," marinette groaned, not bothering to lift her head. "i just want to shut everything and everyone out."

"and you have" tikki argued. "what happens when another akumatization happens and you cant even defeat it because you cant focus and adrien is—"

"adrien will be just peachy on his own." marinette argued, even though she knew that was nothing further from the truth.

"adrien can't purify an akuma, or call upon the power of luck, of tie up a thrashing victim, or-"

"fine!" marinette screamed, lifting her head abruptly. she grabbed her phone, and scrolled through the texts adrien had been sending her today.

{Adrien Agreste <3: mari we should talk about this..
Adrien Agreste <3: mari.
Adrien Agreste<3: i know you're probably disappointed, and hate my guts, but we need to talk about this?
Adrien Agreste <3: please. it's been two days.
Adrien Agreste <3: m'lady?
Adrien Agreste <3: i'm not exactly excited about the situation either.
Adrien Agreste<3: i made you upset and uncomfortable and that's the worst feeling ever.
Adrien Agreste<3: especially because you aren't just my best friend or my crush, you're both of those girls, and that's fucking confusing.
Adrien Agreste <3: please excuse the profanity, i'm just confused, & stupid. i'm really oblivious.
Adrien Agreste <3: perhaps if i recited my best puns you would answer in sheer annoyance?
READ 6:34PM}

marinette watched as ellipsis typed at the bottom of the screen, indicating he was typing more to say, which meant puns.

{ Marinette (me): if you send a pun i will actually ignore you for years.

Adrien Agreste <3: oh thank god.
Adrien Agreste <3: mari, m'lady, princess, i don't even know what to call you, but, i really want to talk to you about this.
Adrien Agreste <3: in person.

Marinette (me): okay. i'll meet you at the usual spot, at 7. & be transformed.

Adrien Agreste <3: i'll be there.
READ 6:42PM}


ladybug got there five minutes early so she could prepare herself. she sat, legs pushed to her chest, tossing her yo-yo in the air repeatedly.

it was raining out so she pushed herself further into the minimal shelter that the eiffel tower provided. 

"i could really use you tikki," ladybug whispered, wishing tikki could be with her at the same time. "or at least a bit of luck. but calling on my lucky charm wo-"

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