worth fighting about

22 2 0

françoise dupont
marinette + adrien
ladybug + chat noir

marinette dupain-cheng was notorious for being late. it had become a normal thing. people just, knew. people would tell her to come to places a half hour before the meeting time, that way she'd arrive on time, they'd make sure to save her a place in class for they knew she'd show up soon, they'd be certain to wait an extra five minutes before leaving for places. they just, knew.

marinette, like most days, was late for school today. it was not because she overslept— well, that, too— or couldn't get her hair down, or didn't know what to wear, no, it was none of that.

marinette had actually stayed up until nearly three am on call with her boyfriend and superhero partner, adrien agreste, discussing clues and notes they had found and had about who hawkmoth could be. even when adrien finally hung up the phone, marinette still stayed up, straining her brain for answers.

it wasn't until nearly five before tikki had convinced her to go to bed. marinette didn't even fall asleep until nearly an hour later, due to gallons of information clogging her brain like a clogged pore.

she came flying up the stairs, nearly ten minutes late for class. she threw herself through the doors, only to crash down into someone.

of course, marinette thought. "of course my marinette luck causes my feet to trip." she mumbled.

"marinette luck?" the voice of the person she bumped into questioned. "last time i checked it was called a lucky charm-"

"oh thank god it's just you," marinette sighed, looking up to see her model boyfriend in all his golden glory. she swatted his arm. "why aren't you in class?"

"i was waiting for you!" he cried, holding his arm where she had swatted him. "like a nice boyfriend."

"alright," she scoffed. "but, we cant walk in together."

"why? no one even knows we're together, bug." he said, the nickname rolling off his tongue instinct.

he had adapted fo calling her bug since the reveal. of course he still used his other collection of nicknames he had started to call her, but bug was the only one appropriate for public settings. especially a public setting in which people thought adrien and marinette were just best friends.

"i don't know," marinette mumbled. "won't it be, like, suspicious?"

adrien shrugged a shoulder. "i don't really care."

marinette sighed. she had gone over this with him as many times as a person could, but he was stubborn. "i know. i'd love to tell everyone that my boyfriend was the adrien agreste, but it isnt safe, and you know that. ever since your little stunt on patrol last week, everyone thinks ladybug and chat are dating, and it would be quite coincidental if marinette and adrien happened to also be dating the next week."

adrien sighed nodding his head. "okay." was just simple response. he then studied her silently. "you look sleepy."

"i am sleepy," she stated. "i was up until five am-"

"we hung off at three." adrien said, crossing his arms. he had a feeling he knew what the next sentence out of her mouth was.

"yeah but i didn't go to sleep until five." she replied.

adrien groaned. "you have to stop doing that! we're in this together! you shouldn't be pressuring yourself to figure everything out on your own."

"i know, i know," marinette whispered, waving her hands around. "and i swear i just... lost track of time."

adrien exhaled gently, his breath catching in frustration. "well, did you at least figure anything else out?"

"yeah, a bit," she whispered, suddenly remembering what she had pieced together. "but not here."

"alright," adrien agreed, squeezing her waist. "lunch?"

marinette smiled and kissed his cheek quickly, nodding. "lunch," she replied. "well see you in five minutes, buggaboy." she winked, throwing him a fresh wheel of camembert she had brought for plagg.

she walked into class, leaving Adrien staring at her.

he was frustrated.

Adrien loved the girl more than you could ever possibly love a girl, she was his missing piece. she filled a piece of him that had left with his mother, and died when his father became cold.

it still ached somedays, longing to go down the hallway and knock on the door of his mothers study and have her actually call a response. missing days when he'd cry and she'd hold him, firm and supportive, not an ounce of judgement or disappointment. walking down the stairs in hopes to see her seated at the table, or hearing her hums or her playing piano somewhere in the kitchen.

so, yeah, maybe marinette didnt fill the hole in his heart that had formed with the death—physically and figuratively— of his parents, but she made it better. she made his heart grow fonder, bigger, fuller.

but, despite his ever growing love for the blue eyed girl, they had a tendency of getting on each other's nerves. they knew each other so well they knew the right buttons to press and how to handle them.

it frustrated adrien that marinette knew he hated being left out of this all, of being treated as if he were a sidekick, but she did it anyways. he gave her the benefit of the doubt, she did say it was because she lost track of time, but it still stung a bit.

"she didn't mean it, Kid," plaggs voice suddenly appeared beside him. "i mean, she brought camembert, and i think that's a good enough apology."

"i'm not mad," adrien huffed, making his way towards class. "i just wish she would've told me."

he pulled the door open, plagg whipping into marionettes bag as adrien walked into class. he was so fast only marinette noticed, because she was looking. adrien would still scold him for it later, but they were in the clear.

"adrien, your late," me bustier stated. "that isn't like you."

"sorry," he mumbled. "i was up late."

"alright, just take your notes out." she sighed. adrien did as he was told.

but after he tilted his head back and smiled at the girl behind him. she smiled back, winking quickly, before redirecting her focus back to the board. with the simple smile, annoyance and frustration drifted into something so small, adrien barley cared to bother himself with it anymore.

somethings weren't worth fighting about, when you were already fighting a villain together.

sorta shitty and short, but i'll make them longer later on! i really just wanted to upload a oneshot haha.

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