Chapter 4

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Fredca entered the camp to see Bramblestar up on the Highrock. He must had called a clan meeting and explained what had happened at the gathering. The cats all looked towards Fredca. She could see some cats scared and others angry. Bramblestar was about to speak when Fredca interrupted.
"Bramblestar," she said. "I have something really important to say." Bramblestar looked at her for a bit, then nodded. Fredca explained about her parents visiting her at Sunningrocks and the prophecy they told her about. "Whatever's waiting for me at this lake could help me defeat Shadow Fredca."
"But no one has ever gone outside the territories," she heard a cat say.
"I know," she continued. "Which is why I can't go alone. I need at least four cats to come with." She scanned the gathered cats. She could tell they were unsure about it all.
"I'll go," Squirrelflight said stepping forward.
"I'll go too," Leafpool said.
"As well I," Whitewing said.
"And me," Rainwhisker said.
Fredca smiled. Of course her friends and former mentor would want to help her. "Thanks guys."
"Like I said," Squirrelflight said. "It's what friends are for."
"Wait, Squirrelflight," Bramblestar said jumping off Highrock. "You can't go. I need you here. You're the clan deputy."
"And Fredca needs me," Squirrelflight said. "I have to do this for her and you're not going to stop me."
Bramblestar sighed. "Alright, just please don't die out there."
"We'll leave tomorrow," Fredca explained. "Everyone get a good night's sleep. We have a long journey tomorrow."
"Fredca," Bramblestar said. "I think there's something you should have before you go."
Fredca followed Bramblestar out of the camp to a bush. He moved it to reveal her father's sword. Fredca looked with surprise. "My father's sword. But I thought it was buried with him."
"Freddy hid it away after the fight against Shadow Freddy, believing he didn't need it anymore," Bramblestar explained. "He even wanted you to have it when you were old enough, but he never had the time and eventually decided you never had to use it ever. But now it seems like you're going to need it more than ever.
Fredca picked it up and looked with awe. She began to feel more stronger and confident. "Thank you, Bramblestar."
"You can do this Fredca. I have no doubt you will beat Shadow Fredca and restore our peace."

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