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A.N. okay you guys said you did want the bdsm aspects which means i need to add some tags and it also means i want this to be angstier hehe. Also I'm,  thinking of opening a patreon.

"And, oh baby, you're a classic. Like a little black dress. But you'll be faded soon. Stuck on a little hot mess." -Tiffany Blews by Fall Out Boy

"Something weird is going on?" Kaiya said as she gathered the other subs in her room.

Mal scratched the top of her head, "How so?"

"Well, for starters, Hope and Alex just asked me out, completely unprompted, minutes apart from each other."

"What's so odd about that? Alex is in love with you." Rose inquired with a frown.

Kaiya shook her head, "No, she isn't. But don't you think it's out of the blue? Especially with her talking to my mom for seemingly no reason. And I didn't even think Hope knew I existed!"

"Well, clearly she does." Lauren mumbled.

Kaiya huffed loudly, falling straight back onto the bed she had been occupying dramatically.

"You guys aren't getting it."

"What aren't we getting, Kai?" Christen asked lightly. Like always, she sensed there was a deeper problem here. Something Kaiya wasn't telling them. She had a feeling she knew what it was too.

"I like them both. I always have. I know you guys knew about Alex, but only Kelley knew about my crush on Hope. I like them both and I don't want to have to choose."

A small silence encompassed the room for a few seconds.

"Who said you had to choose?"

Well. Maybe she didn't. But that still didn't explain the suddenness of it all.

"Okay...but why now?"

"Is it not enough to believe that they finally recognize your awesomeness?" Mal asked with a goofy smile.

"Of course not."

"Well, you did say Alex had been acting weirder than normal the whole day...after talking to your mom. Have your parents said anything to you about the new bill? Maybe that's what this is about?" Lauren winced, if that was the case she knew Kaiya would immediately start to believe that neither of them were actually interested in her and just wanted to appease her parents.

Which, of course, everyone in the room knew not to be true, once again, except for Kaiya.

Kaiya is about to voice even more of her opinion when there's a series of knocks at the door.

It's the doms. Of course, looking for their respective partners. The subs trickle out of the room slowly and reluctantly.

Alex stood awkwardly in the doorway, making sure everyone was gone.

Kaiya gestured for her to come further into the room. Alex rubbed the back of her head apprehensively. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish who had just been unapologetically plucked from the ocean.

"Is everything okay, Alex?" Kaiya asked with a look of concern playing across her face.

Alex plopped onto Kaiya's bed heavily. She shook her head before speaking. She gestured for Kaiya to sit next to her. Kaiya did promptly.

Alex blew out a small chuckle at Kaiya's obedience. But now was not the time for that.

"I just wanted to talk to you about our date."

"Oh. Did you need to cancel?" Kaiya's not sure if that was a relief or overwhelmingly disappointing.

"No! I mean...no. Not unless you want to cancel after I tell you what I'm about to." Alex broke eye contact and instead stared at the blank tv mounted on the wall.

"Why would I cancel, Alex? You're not like a government agent sent to kill me or something right?"

Alex chuckled lightly, "No."

"Good. Even if you were, I'd just change your mind."

"You know how you saw me talking to your parents?"

Kaiya nodded softly.

"Well they wanted to know if I had heard about the new bill or whatever it's called. And I said yes. Then they wanted to know if I wanted to...ask you out and court you...and I said yes." Alex chanced a glance at Kaiya who raised a lone eyebrow.

"Ok? Why would have canceled on you for that?"

"Because I thought you would think that I only asked you out to appease your parents. Which is furthest from the case. I've been looking for an excuse to ask you out since we met. I just never thought you were interested. I guess that talk with your parents gave me confidence, because they wouldn't have asked me if they didn't think there was a chance, right?"

Kaiya only shrugged, she never claimed to know any aspects of her parents' thought processes.

"I suppose. Thank you for being up front though. And I promise we're still on."

Alex smiled that bright smile that made Kaiya's entire body tingle.

Alex leaned in and kissed Kaiya's cheek like she couldn't hold herself back even if she tried. The same way Kaiya couldn't hold back her resulting giggle.

"Um well I guess if we're being transparent-"

"My mom told me as a dom I should always be transparent!"

"Hope asked me out too."

Alex blinked. Maybe she would have rather Kaiya have kept that to herself.

"When did she do that?" Alex squeaked out.

"Uhhh like half an hour before you did."

Alex looked like she was going to pass out for a few seconds.

"And what did you say?"


Alex sighed heavily, then promptly perked up to her normal giddy self.

"Okay. Guess that just means I'll have to blow her date out of the water. You wouldn't bother to text me every single thing you do with her as you do it, would you?" Alex inquired with a mischievous smirk.

"No, Alex. I'm not texting you my every move with her." Kaiya rolled her eyes.

"Okay. It was worth a try. I do have one rule that I'm gonna need you to keep in mind while you're with her."

Alex trailed closer to Kaiya's face. Kaiya glimpsed down at her lips.

"And what is that?"

She wasn't that surprised when Alex took her bottom lip between her own, but that doesn't mean her breath wasn't ripped away from her either.

Alex broke the kiss softly, "You're not allowed to forget about me."

And Kaiya couldn't even if she tried.

She only hoped that Hope would be just as accepting of Alex as Alex was of Hope. She had a sneaking suspicion it wouldn't come nearly as easy.

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