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Yoo sup y'all.
So my finals ended a few days back. I'm on holidays now. And I did something crazy.
So one night as I was enjoying some yaoi, I was fidgeting with my  big toe on my right foot, like with the nail and the skin near it. And you know those tik tok videos where people show how they tear off a huge strip of skin accidentally when they're fidgeting with their fingernails? So yeah, that's exactly what happened with my toe. Next morning I woke up and saw dried blood on it. The toe got infected, and it hurts like a bitch. It's spitting up pus every 2s, and it hurts to walk. I feel like cutting off my toe with a knife without a doctor's license then write a song on doctor's license lmao. So anyways, I hope this shit gets healed soon and tell me how you're week is going, if you need to vent out anything or just wanna say hi maybe, idk.

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