The Last Few Months...

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So basically, the last few months have gone in a haze. I was continuously having online classes(they had changed from the original teachers). Only the Botany teacher was a very nice teacher. She gave little tips on how to study, and even made a whole lot of jokes. It was pretty enjoyable.

On the other hand, the Physics, Chemistry and Zoology teachers were one of a kind. Hardly any presence could be felt from the Physics teacher and since it was an early morning class, I was half- asleep most of the time like Anna from Frozen.

The Zoology teacher had the funniest English ever. It's not his fault that his English is not good, but sometimes it's too funny that I can't stop myself from laughing like mad. And he literally, LITERALLY, used to write notes on the virtual blackboard copied STRAIGHT from the book itself.

The Chemistry teacher was a nightmare. His voice could never be heard because he always kept the mic 10,000 miles away from his mouth and used to scold students sarcastically just for asking a question. His favourite words:

"Should I write a thesis on this topic till May for you all?"

Because on 3rd May was supposed to be our NEET exam.

NEET exam is a National Eligibility cum Entrance Test. It was a test for those who wished to be a doctor. But even those pursuing courses relating to medical can also give this test. It's very hard to crack it. 180 questions with 4 marks each, and a negative marking for a wrong answer. And all those negative markings would pile up, and bring your 90% to a downright 20-30%.

Yeah. Scary.

Well, I am pursuing a course on biotechnology since it's a very popular choice nowadays and I also like to study on DNA related stuff. DNA related disorders, cures, fun facts, etc.

The last few months have also been pretty taxing on us as we had to do a lot of things on our own what usually would be done by our maid and our cook. Mom handled the cooking while my sister and I handled the cleaning. Well, mostly my sister, as I had my online classes then.


I am a MASSIVE bitch.

Instead of returning the favour to her when she's having HER online school (she's smol), I leave bed making to her. And the poor kid even does it after her school gets over.

So now, I have decided to fulfil my duties and my New Year's wishes:

1) Get fit

2) Help in household chores.

Okay bye!

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