March 19th, 2020

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My LAST exam was cancelled at the last moment and I don't know what to do.

I wondered around the house a bit, came back and watched some TV. The news, and then I played some games on the TV.

I took a bath and had lunch. Chilled out with my phone in the afternoon. Watched a movie with my mom in the evening.

AND I realized I had signed up for India's most popular coaching centre and BAM! Back to studying and catching up on the missed classes.

YES, missed classes because apparently due to the lockdown the coaching classes have become online and started earlier on other students' insistence. Can you believe it? There were still some exams left bruh!

So the teachers who were supposed to teach us in the classes were taking our online classes. At first, I had kept all of my required books and copies handy, pen in hand.




I just kept the class on in Chrome and opened Wattpad on the side, finding out delicious stories to read.

Oh, by the way, do suggest me some books guys, will you? Books with good smut and complex (but not too complicated) storyline. Better with a depressed character and no irritating friends who are trying to pry into the gay character's life. Like, completely alone. Not a single friend in the WORLD.

Speaking of which, do check out this book written by eveningdownpour called bittersweet green apples, rejection and the mediocre life of a human. I know the title is long, but I promise you the book is worth a thousand reads.

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